The philosophical challenge


One of the main problems when we come to engage in philosophy and try to enter the world of philosophical issues is the issue of language.
Almost everyone who goes to read a philosophy text or listen to a lecture on a philosophical topic immediately finds themselves encountering language and terms so complex and complicated as if they were required to learn a foreign language.
Within seconds he gets lost in a unique language with its own codes and ciphers.
The entire construction of the topic is done as if on purpose to create a smoke screen between the reader and the world of concepts that does not allow the interested person to find hands and feet in what the writer or lecturer is trying to convey to the embarrassed reader.
There is almost no coherent construction of an attempt to introduce the reader to what the writer or lecturer is trying to convey. On the contrary, there is a feeling among the listener or viewer that the more he tries to delve into the subject, the style of presenting things becomes less and less coherent until the embarrassed reader stops knowing what the lecturer wants from his life.
The impression is that the construction of the subject is done without an organic and clear order. but immediately gets lost in a language that only those who speak it know what they are talking about.
A kind of secret language that everyone, except qualified experts, immediately gets lost in without the average reader having any idea what the writer or lecturer wants from his life.
Philosophy was cut off from life and became the property of an elitist-intellectual and alienated group. speaks in an inner language detached from the naked existence of life itself.

הגות מהבטן

​לחיפוש פרטים

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