give shape to emotions


Within each of us there are emotions and feelings; From time to time we try to talk about them, speak them, write them down – put them into words. It’s usually a struggle, it’s hard, it’s like trying to put water in a straw basket: in the end it will be a struggle. A wet basket but without water in it… Such is the feeling, slippery, with its liquid character, and it is not easy to put words around it to capture it, words that can convey the feeling itself, or at least, the connection to the feeling. “It is a mitzvah that if they are written or spoken, every time we listen to it, we will raise the original emotion. The awkward word. Some fear that it would be rape to convey feelings in words, they say &you can’t talk about it, you have to feel it&, or, &I have no words for it&.But I prefer to write the positive side of adding feelings in words, some of the greatest enlightened works of humans are the true meaning of it: an attempt to capture the essence of human emotion and put it into words. Whether it’s in literature, poetry or theater performances. Want to defend and explain this idea of describing an emotion in words.  First of all, some fragrances to absorb and think about::

to express something in words (give it form)

To give something a shape (give it life).

“When we die, we lose our form.) And thus bring the thought: is the formless emotion not ali#e* probably not. If the soul can live without a body, than it is an #unreal existence.” To shape the soul has no realization, presence or ability to communicate and respond to the environment. It seems that the body is less soul so is the wordless emotion, it is ali#e, but as a ghost, in the gray area between the li#ing and the dead. Movements that are not captured by thought, wonder here and there or mingle (in other words: they resemble the bent grass that corrupts creation and human intelligence, stops us from the Renaissance.) Something is to give it form, to li#e is the ability to create, and that You can only do if you have form. Well-designed lines border your being, define it, characterize it. The form allows something to be and at the same time prevents it from going wild and spreading around.) This is the great paradox of life, we are limited by our form, but it is what allows us to exist. “Without the form and the counter we do not have an individual, autonomous and delimited existence from the outside. ) defined autonomy allows us to realize.  And not only reality, but also function, creation and communication.  Only when something is clear and well defined, it can communicate with other clear and well defined beings. ) Communication is taking an amorphous idea from the brain emotion into words or esters. And this is the case in communication and creation, if we can take that amorphous idea into word form, than we can create. 0Creation is to give something in a form.) The intention is in the field of communication and art. In the area of religion and spirit there is an attempt to refine, reduce and sometimes eliminate the form in order to increase the

A connection to the essence of spiritual religion in a person. Sometimes, in some religions and spiritual heights there is a misunderstanding about life. ) To reach higher levels spiritually, you must not shun the form and try to connect the spirit with its abstract essence. The body is not an enemy of the soul but its complement, its expression, the body is a way to reach the spiritual. Pirotism that does not understand and supports the body as stairs and the path to the spiritual and exalted person – leads to a dead end. The body is not an antithesis to the spiritual essence and the raw soul, on the one hand it is his. Just a &tool& expression, on the other hand it is the only way to communicate with the spirit and the soul. It is easy for the young and disunited person to see the form as an enemy of the spirit, but the connection without form and boundaries is lost and takes shape without the context is nothing but a coffin.) The essence of birth is to clothe a well-defined shape around soul and spirit.) The words describe the feelings, from this point the feelings start to run wild. Feeling, from the moment we describe and express our feelings, the feeling can create, can do something. A movement that we are not aware of or are aware of but do not understand, it is like a ghost inside us, weakening us from the inside. But words can sometimes hurt feelings 1) life and death by the thong 2) that happen when words are not. Targeting the essence of the emotion, its internal dynamics, instead they come from external ideas, labeling it according to a general thought. ) His act does not give birth to the emotion, but puts it in a coffin before it is born.

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