On skin pores


greatest, largest organ for the issuing out of force and energy. We receive force through our head and various energy centers, but being issued out mainly through the skin.
When the skin is blocked from one reason or another, evacuation of force is limited or cannot take place at all.
Now what can block it? If it was just dirt and dust, than a simple shower & soap would help, but it doesn’t remove the block, it cleans the outer surface, no more.
What's good for reducing large pores? - Quora

                                    Over large pores

The greater problem is when high or powerful force is being received, but it is not flushing out, (the human as a processing machine). There are occasions when a powerful force is coming in, but cannot go out; being stuck inside. 

In this cases the person is being cooked from the inside with high charged force.
Now what is the reason for this? Well when the incoming force is powerful and charged, but the pores of the skin are too small – for a too powerful force to pass through them and out – then the charged person is stuck inside with powerful amount of great force that cannot find its way out, and thus it is stuck in and is cooking the person from the inside.
The size of the pores of the skin and the amount and power of the force inside – must be equivalent, otherwise an imbalance accurse. Meaning: powerful high force needs wide and open pores, while weak or low force, can be flushed out through small & tiny pores.

The finer and the more sensitive and delicate is the person (with the powerful energies) – the smaller would be his pores, so there would be, in his case, a block between his powerful force and his delicate, fine and tiny skin pores. The tiny pores are too small for the powerful force to pass through them. Powerful force is too strong to be able to pass through the tiny pores of the highly sensitive persons.

Usually there is a commutability between the size of the pores and the power of the energy that the person is running on. In rare occasions, there could be a combination of high force and high sensitivity. The powerful force cannot work with too over sensitive person that has, because of this, very tiny pores.

In such cases the highly sensitive that is also over charged – needs to seek an alternative emptying out device, such as artistic expression, or spiritual teaching. 

Another way to ease the suffering of the inner cooking of force, is deep brushing .This opens and enlarges the pores of the skin, and thus the over charged force being stuck inside – can at last gush out, and a great temporary relief is being reached.

Usually H.S.P don’t reach a high level of force connection, for they become mentally unstable, and emotionally involved, long before they are able to connect to high force, but if it happiness never the less, then their small pores don’t allow an outgoing of access force – and thus the inner cooking – goes on.




Gabriel Raam

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