

Part a.
We know two types of genders.
Men and women, and on the margins gays and lesbians.
Here I would like to state the claim in advance, and I will say it straight without hesitation – there is a very strong discrimination against lesbians. Already after the success they achieved in their social status, the gays are now reaching the most rewarding jobs. Their level of control in the company is higher. And so they end up in more desirable places.
Being gay, unlike years past now they are completely out of the closet functionally and class wise. By and large – accepted.
The status of gays in society is immeasurably better than the status of lesbians in similar positions.
No one says it openly but the status of gays is immeasurably improved than that of lesbians.
The lesbian lives in a transparent ghetto. Lives in hiding. Being a lesbian is much less acceptable than being gay. There is something that society does not accept about being a lesbian.
The gay man is more powerful, the lesbians are more delicate, and thus without a choice they are pushed into narrow corners and there they exist with girls of their own sex in a kind of underground. A subculture exists.
And here an interesting thing happens, because we pushed the lesbians to the limit. They began to feel disgusted with their degraded status, and since they are bisexual by nature {as will be detailed later} they test relationships with women.
They have a diverse and rich lesbian subculture including everything [even with sexual harassment], but mostly share a fate of being ostracized in relation to their status compared to the status of gays in society.
Then they began to gather in groups about the purity of women, and to favor them because of the difficult situation between the sexes and their low status in society as detailed in the following text:

Part II.
Are you 100% straight? Think again. A new study proves that when it comes to sexual attraction, most women are sexually stimulated by both women and men:
Were you interested in the commander in the army? Did you fall in love with your high school literature teacher? This article is for you: a new study published in the scientific journal Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, investigates the existence of the sexual spectrum, and reveals results that may provoke quite a bit of controversy. The study claims that women are almost always lesbian or bisexual, and very few women are distinctly straight.
More on the subject:
“Since I came out of the closet I’m happier than ever”
The world of psychology does not rest when it comes to dealing with the subject, and many studies have dealt with the question of sexual stimulation in women and men. It is often found that women, on average, are more psychologically attracted to girls of their own sex, and this of course also affects sexual attraction. Women, unlike men, react physically to women of the same sex, meaning they are sexually stimulated by both men and women. This is obviously not true for lesbians who are more attracted to girls of the fair sex than to men
the arc of attraction
The new study, led by Dr. Grolf Reger of the Department of Psychology at the University of Essex in the UK, asked 345 women across the entire sexual spectrum to watch a series of videos with pornographic content. At the same time, the study measured their biological responses, including the expansion of The pupils, the pulse and the blood flow in the body.
The subjects of the research are women of different ages, who come from diverse educational backgrounds and different ethnic identities. They were asked to place themselves on the sexual spectrum, and identify themselves as “straight”, “mostly straight”, “straight-leaning bisexual”, “bisexual”, “lesbian-leaning bisexual”, “largely lesbian” or simply “lesbian”.
The results of the study show that women who identified themselves as straight were stimulated, on average, by videos that featured both attractive men and attractive women. This is in contrast to women who defined themselves as lesbians and reacted more strongly to women than to men. Both groups responded similarly to their sexual orientation. That is, straight women were attracted to men just as lesbians were attracted to attractive women featured in videos.
The criticism against the study claims that sexual stimulation is not the same as sexual orientation. Dr. Reger rejected these claims and responded to them in the media: “Although most women identify as straight, our research clearly demonstrates that when it comes to what turns them on – they are either bisexual or lesbian, but never straight.” In addition, the study notes that Unlike men, women’s sexual orientation is less influenced by the gender of the partner, and more influenced by social and cultural factors.
“Unlike men, women’s orientation is less influenced by the gender of the partner”
In conclusion: the discrimination of lesbians and the glorification of gays must stop, and the world of lesbians must break away from the chains that bind their unique world.

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