Emotional blockages


Part one:
An Axiom: everything which lives in nature (organic life) – is in some sort of a dynamic process, a process of change, and this change is divided into two: growth or decay.
So, if we want to understand the human from a dynamic perspective, we should observe him through this prism and to examine: is he in a process of growth or degeneration?
For that we need an analogy, and a good analogy is a plant, (in this way it would easier to see and understand the processes of growth and decay).
Well, the plant is growing towards some sort of a climax. What is the climax of the human?
If we are to continue this parallel between the plant and the human, we would find that the roots are parallel to the feet, and the flower is supposed to be parallel to the head. But the question remains; is the head in the human functions in the human as the flower in the plant?
In other words; does the head functions as the top of a development process? (As a manager that grew out of his workers and now he is in charge and is orchestrating them?
Or is it only a bud that did not open up to a flower?
And the sad conclusion of this parallel is, that our head is only perceived as the top of the human system, meaning that king of the kingdom – only looks dressed, but in fact he is: naked, naked, naked…
Another analogy we find in a candle; the vax is the human body, the wick id the spine and central nervous system, and the end of the wick that is popping up on top of the wax – is the head.
And so, do light up the head?

Part two:
The western, materialistic approach sees in the spine a pipe to the passage of nerve energy. The holist approach, and medical approaches from the Far East – sees the spin as a pipe for the passage of soul energy, an energy which could climb up the spine (through the Chakras) towards the head.
According to this approach, as long as there are no disturbances in the streaming of this energy, the lower energy could reach the top, but if it is confronted by blockages, she is coming to a Holt and accumulates. And what is more important is that the head remains without vital energies, without ‘fuel’ that will allow him to be on fire, when the transdental spark – arrives.
The main areas in which blockages can accrue are in the neck and pelvic.
In the pelvic there is a junction of dense energies, (going downwards and out of the body). The neck is a junction for higher energies (down and up).
The pelvic junction could be blocked by sexual energies, while the blockages in the neck are mainly caused by emotional blockages.
When the emotional junction is getting blocked – it is a sign of powerful emotional repressions. From the standpoint of behavior, it is being expressed in one of two polar behaviors: either impulsiveness or laziness (or an oscillation between both, alternatively).
When an emotional blockage is being created, it effects the activity of the brain, so that the thinking becomes flat (lacking intuition and depth), in short: intellectual; the (higher) emotional energy do not fertilize the thinking any more (and then, the center of gravity switches from the right hemisphere –to the left one).
In this state of emotional blockage in the neck junction, the emotions are in a state of rotation or a seesaw: between emotional repression and emotionally going wild. This two deviations are caused, usually by hard, unpleasant emotions like: insult, guilt, inferiority feelings. It is a non-flowing, fixed and static emotions that do not allow the flow of emotional energies (in both directions).
The emotions are generally ‘stuck’ in a raw, infantile state. But the more they rise up they mature and develop towards a higher state. At the neck the emotions should leave behind the raw, unrestraint part of their primitive state, and to pass on only the finer emotional energies. They should go through a kind of taming that would qualify the raw nature for function at a higher level (the higher emotional ‘body’.
For like the child that needs to go through training so that he can cannel and upgrade his raw emotional energies – to be able to function in an environment of school, and later, work – so it should be the case with emotional energies in our body. But blockages in the area of the neck do not allow the rising of fine energies – upwards. And so, they remain locked below the neck, in a raw and unstable state.
Passing the emotional junction leads to emotional maturity and to having an accesses to reality and the forming of a high emotional center.
And here a difficult question could be asked; how to deal with emotional blockage, and how to eliminate it?
Well, the approach is dual; the fatherly approach (‘the stick’), and the motherly approach (‘the carrot’), only that here the person should become a father and mother unto himself.
The fatherly approach to the raw, childish emotions is in being able to say: NO! – To the hard and difficult emotions, not to let them take over the emotional world, not to allow them a limitless wild permission (no boundaries).
Whoever could say ‘no’ to his crude, coarse or hurt emotions, or to delay emotional satisfaction – will not pass through this gate.
But if the approach will appear alone, without the balancing of the maternal side, can destroy the unprocessed emotions with too much demand and discipline.
The maternal approach offer the ‘carrot’ of encouragement: to transmit empathy and support – to the pain, loneliness, suffering, self-doubt, self-guilt and the like.
Both of this two approaches

שניהם יעצבו את הגוש נטול הצורה של הרגש הגולמי. הדחיפה מצד האלמנט האבהי, והמשיכה מצד האלמנט האימהי – יעניקו לרגש האמורפי צורה ואופי מוגדרים.
ובצומת הרגשית על האדם להיות אם ואב לילדי הרגש של עצמו.
מטרת החינוך הרגשי – להביא את האני לעמדה בה לא יהיה נשלט יותר ע”י המרות האינפנטילית ועל ידי הפרימיטיביות של חיי האגו שלו. שהרי אגו הרוצה כל הזמן תשומת לב וסיפוק, סיפוק ותשומת לב – עד הסוף, עד הסוף, שבד”כ הוא מר, מר מאוד. וכל זאת תוך חוסר התחשבות מוחלט באדון האמיתי של הממלכה הזו.
כך שאילוף רגשי עצמי הוא חשוב ביותר, מטרתו להביא את האני הרגשי להיות מוכשר לעבור דרך המסילה האסרטיבית הצרה שבין 2 הקטבים הרחבים של המעורבות הריגשית-העצמית: כשהקוטב האחד שמו: דיכאון והשני: תוקפנות.
אילוף רגשי נכון, אמור להביא לבשלות ולבגרות רגשית., עד לקטע זה האדם הוא בעצם קרבן לחוסר האיזון וחוסר מרכז כובד פנימי לרגשותיו.
בהעדר עבודה עצמית ברמת הרגש, הרגשות הפרימיטיביים יצמחו פרא, כמו שיח שלא ניגזם כלל. במצב כזה ברוב המקרים יתקוף הרגש הבלתי מרוסן או את העולם (תוקפנות) או את האדם עצמו (דיכאון).
האחד ייתפס ע”י סובביו כחזק, והאחר – כחלש, אך האמת היא ששניהם חלשים.

הצומת האמוציונלית היא פרוזדור, ואסור לחסום אותו. כי זה ימנע כל אפשרות של החשיבה לאמוד ולהעריך דברים בהתאם לטבעם האמיתי והסיטואציה הריאלית.
דהיינו: חוסר אילוף וגיזום של הפוטנציאל הגולמי של הרגש, יסיטו את הרגש ימינה (דומיננטיות) או שמאלה (חרדה), ושתי סטיות אלו יהוו חסימה מבחינת אפשרות השכל לעבוד באורח נקי וחסר פניות.

*התפתחות דומה לזו שעשו היצרים והדחפים (שוכני ממלכת הדם) שעברו את צומת האגן בדרכן מעלה, לפגוש את התושבים המפותחים יותר של האמוציות).

  • הרחבה של נושא ה’גיזום הרגשי’ שהוזכר כאן, מצוי בפרק ט’, הפרק הבא.
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