Time, the dynamic approach


“Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils”.
Hector Berlioz

Part one: fragments on time:
Time is the greatest puzzle, the great paradox, the great miss and in the end – the greatest devastation.
Time is a resource, a basic raw material that allows life but during its allowances it is getting shorter and lesser.
Time is a resource that the more we have of it, so it is being valued less and the lesser it gets – so its value increases. And when it is about to disappear – the whole world is equal to a drop of it.
Time is a misleading resource; in looking back it looks small and contracted, even 30 years (when looking backwards) seem as though they happened only yesterday. And when looking ahead it looks huge and without the horizon line. One year backwards seem an hour and a year forward seems like a whole generation…
Time is the extension or the prolonging that nature give to the one sentenced to death, until the verdict id being executed.
Time is a concept that is not captured in our consciousness, it doesn’t belong to regular consciousness. And therefore we try to shrink and dissect it, so that it would fit our narrow consciousness. If we were to understand time in the dimension in which it exists- our consciousness would snap like a soup bubble that were over blown.
Time is a resource that only its outer appearance could be subject to engineering and the manipulation for technological devices. And this is when its essence remains hidden, mysterious and out of the technological area.
Time is a missed resource – when being addressed mechanically through the time clock and the colander, but it is an eye opener when discovered by penetrating consciousness.
Time is the only resource that in relation to it we are the same as the antelope and the amoeba. Its influence on organic life is equal; in relation to time we are all a speck of dust:
Kansas Lyrics

“Dust In The Wind”

Dust I close my eyes
Only for a moment and the moment’s gone
All my dreams
Pass before my eyes with curiosity
Dust in the wind
All they are is dust in the wind
Same old song
Just a drop of water in an endless sea
All we do
Crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see

(Aa aa aa)
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
Oh, ho, ho
Now don’t hang on
Nothin’ last forever but the earth and sky
It slips away
And all your money won’t another minute buy
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
(All we are is dust in the wind).

Time is a paradox; in looking forward it is slow, in looking back it is more then fast, and at a given moment it is not felt at all.
Time is misleading; onwards it is promising, allows ambition or fantasy. At looking back it is usually disappointing or creates regret and longing.
Time is an objective and subjective, both at the same time. It is objective about 2 hours that pass exactly after 120 minutes, and a person who was born in a certain year will get old in direct relation to the years that has passed since then. But time is also very subjective in waiting for a loved one; one minute seems an eternity, also a minute in the presence of a hated person, or a boring lecturer seem also as eternity, and when a loved one is about to leave – the longest time seems fast as hell.
Time is what is being wasted by the young and eulogists by the old.
Time is a resource that usually we don’t have a clue what to do with it (unless someone dictates us the rules).
A ‘dead time’ (when there is nothing to do with it) is very annoying, as much as ‘alive time’ is very dear.
Time is like air; usually we do not notice its existence unless it is in a situation of shortage.
Time and the human race are in a continuous war: a territorial war is between us and time. We shrink it all the time, conquer more and more areas of its territory, by airplanes, fast cars, emails, whatsup. Decrease the span of time and thus enlarge our free time on its expense. Thus time becomes small and weak, we gain time and becoming controlling and strong, but time has the last laugh.
Part two: the three levels of time:
The issue of time is one of the most complicated issues in thought and philosophy. From one hand, time is an exact (and mechanical) measurement; a minute is exactly 60 seconds and an hour is exactly 60 minutes and so on. With-it, time has a flexible and non-permanent nature. For example: why when we are enjoying ourselves time passes fast and when suffering – time passes slowly.

But this is of course not connected to the nature of time, but the illusionary subjectivity of the man himself.
The two distorters of the reality of time are suffering and pleasure, both are causing us to see distorted reality. When a person enjoys – he wants to enjoy more, and this gives him the illusion that time is getting shorter.
And when a man is suffering, he wants to suffer as little as possible, and because he wants it so much he wants it to move fast, from his frustration about his suffering it seems to him that time moves slowly.
So far about the plasticity (apparently) of time, this is the lowest level.
A higher level is the level of mechanical reality.
The highest level is the consciousness reality.

So, we have three level of time conception:

A subjective (and emotional) conception of time.
A (mechanical and fragmented)) objective conception of time.
A (dynamic) conscious conception of time.

The subjective approach (the lower level):
According to the subjective approach – time is not Absolut; it is limited by our degree of dominance upon it, of our emotional subjectivity. The more a person is anchored in his emotional deviance, so he will conceive time in a more twisted and distorted way (examples were given before).

The objective approach (mid-level):
This conception, or approach, see time as a total realistic dimension.
(one minute is 60 seconds… and so on).

The dynamic, or neutral conception of time (the highest level).
From this level’s point of view there are endless now’s, all through the way of one’s life. According to this future and past are existing along the axis of time, just that they are not within our present range of perception.

In the normal consciousness state, most people are poorly aware of the fact that in every moment – time moves and is getting lesser, and also the dawning of the next morning is only because of the lessening the reservoir of time.
In the midlevel, the conception of time is static. There is hardly any awareness about time as a dynamic movement; a living sequence of past present future. It is being perceived here as mechanical, exact and steady. This conception decreases anxiety and helplessness (an emotional dissonance).
In other words, in the mid-level – the whole idea of measuring time (which the present approach to time) is a result of our inability to deal with the dynamic aspect of time, and the more we would be frustrated by the dynamic aspect of time – the more we will be depended on clocks, calendars, and other time measured devices.
From the view point of the third level, the measurement of time freezes it separate between early to late, by separats time to unites, and this is from the stand point of efficiency, for we need to be measured according to our achievement at work.
Time is a resource which at all times is getting closer to its finish point, this is unbearable knowing, when it is all the time at the front of our consciousness, this is a struggle with a tragic aspect, that says that instead of feeling that he was born to live, he is born to die, therefore the man destroys in his consciousness the dynamic conception of time, dividing it to unites (seconds, minutes, hours, days and so on).
With it there is no way to get out of the narrow, mechanistic aspect of the two lower levels, unless the person has got guts and courage to combat and internalize the tragic aspect of time; for example; that we can continue to live only by ‘burning’ our time reserves, which are as yet, at our disposal. To live like this about time, consciously and at all time, is indeed meeting life as a tragedy.
The man from the lower subjective, emotional and psychological – level, cannot contain the tragic dimension of time, there for he puts time in a dungeon of mechanical, measurable of: hours, days, etic. This division of time to unites gives man the false validation of certainty and of being in control, and this, in fact, is the depth reason for the birth of the concept about the (so called) objectivity and the mechanical division of time.
In other words; what is preventing us from living in the streaming dynamic time, is the fear from meeting the tragic aspect.
From the dynamic standpoint, it could be said that the mechanical (hours and days) are redundant and we should maintain the dynamic view point.
But this will bring us to being divorced from the manufacturing, producing and achieving aspect that should only be measured mechanically.
But the point is not: either this or that, but having the synergic ability to live with both at the same time.
The person with the dynamic approach can also contain the mechanical one, but the person on the mechanical mid-level cannot live with the dynamic aspect.
The dynamic level person can contain the both ends of the stick; he can live in emergency about having less and less time and tries to get the most of it before in ends, but at the same time he is at deep sorrow, but also being at peace and acceptance of the tragic aspect.

Part 3: the dynamic level:
So, what is it exactly living dynamically in relation to time? The person in this level is relating not only to now, but he is in the flow of the 3 states of time.
The conventional conception of time sees the present time as the only time for our consciousness, whereas past and future are abstraction that do not exist now actually. But as much of the consciousness is wider – can the person contain within his consciousness all three states of time; he lives in what was in what will be, as much as in what is now.
But it should be cleared; it is not really being in all three physically, but there is a quality of the consciousness which can be free from the limitation of being locked in one of those states.
The person in the third dynamic approach is in the flow of time, for him time is not solid, it is liquid and streaming.
At the third level the person lives with a paradoxical feeling of time; it is the solid and tangible present, which becomes like wandering sands, for there is, really, no present, only future turning into past.
At the two lower levels, time is something dead, frozen, and mechanical. Whereas in the dynamic approach the person is in mutual relations with time; time talks to him, and he talks to time.
A person in the dynamic level is in affinity and dialogue with who he was, the boy that he was and so on, and he is also in a dialogue with what he is going to be. He is making friends with both.
He knows that his self now is the least realistic, an unstable dot between two oceans: past and future.
His life is not locked in the disconnected now, but it is sequence of three pulses: the pulse which was, the pulse of what will be, and the pulls of the liquid now. Al are one pulse, the pulse of dynamic now.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
BIBLE, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.
BRUCE LEE, Striking Thoughts: Bruce Lee’s Wisdom for Daily Living

Lost time is never found again.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Poor Richard’s Almanack

Time is a valuable thing
Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
Watch it count down to the end of the day
The clock ticks life away
LINKIN PARK, “In the End”, Hybrid Theory

Time brings all things to pass.
AESCHYLUS, The Libation Bearers

You must remember this
A kiss is just a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh.
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by.
And when two lovers woo
They still say, “I love you.”
On that you can rely
No matter what the future brings
As time goes by.

Time is what keeps everything from happening at once.
RAY CUMMINGS, The Girl in the Golden Atom

Time is money.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Advice to Young Tradesmen

The strongest of all warriors are these two — Time and Patience.
LEO TOLSTOY, War and Peace

Time will run back and fetch the Age of Gold.
JOHN MILTON, On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity

We have so much time and so little to do. Strike that, reverse it.
ROALD DAHL, Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator

There is no present or future, only the past, happening over and over again, now.
EUGENE O’NEILL, A Moon for the Misbegotten

Who can say
where the road goes
where the day flows
only time
And who can say
if your love grows
as your heart chose
only time

Who can say
why your heart sighs
as your love flies
only time
And who can say
why your heart cries
when your love dies
only time
ENYA, “Only Time”

We give our time away all day long, to emotions that gain us no advantages, to people who do not value our time, to inefficient habits. If you want to take back this time, you need to cut to the chase.
STUART R. LEVINE, Cut to the Chase: and 99 Other Rules to Liberate Yourself and Gain Back the Gift of Time

Time is the warp of life…. Oh, tell the young, the gay, the fair to weave it well.
JOSHUA MARSDEN, “What is Time?”, The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, Volume 5

Little drops of water, little grains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean, and the pleasant land.
So the little minutes, humble though they be,
Make the mighty ages of eternity.
JULIA CARNEY, Little Things

Time is the measurer of all things, but is itself immeasurable, and the grand discloser of all things, but is itself undisclosed.

To realize the unimportance of time is the gate to wisdom.
BERTRAND RUSSELL, Mysticism and Logic

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