The Hollow Men by T.S. Eliot


We the Hollow Men We the Stuffed Men lean together a headdress full of straw. Alas! Our desiccated voices, when we whisper together silent and meaningless as wind in dry grass or rat’s feet on broken glass in our dry basement form without shape, shadow without color, paralyzed power, motionless gesture; Those who crossed with straight eyes, into the other realm of death remember us – if at all – not as lost violent souls, but only as the stuffed hollow people. B. Eyes that I dare not meet in dreams In the dream kingdom of death these do not appear: there, the eyes sunlight on a broken pillar there, a swaying tree and voices in the wind’s song are more distant and solemn than a fading star. Let me be no closer in the realm of death’s dreams let me also wear such purposeful costumes Rats coat, crooks, crossed pillars in the field Acts like the wind no closer – not this last encounter in the twilight realm III This is the dead land This is the land of cacti Here the stone pictures are raised , here they receive the plea of a dead hand under the twinkle of a fading star. Is it like this in the other realm of death to wake up alone at a time when we are trembling with blessing form of prayers for a broken stone. IV THE EYES ARE NOT HERE There are no eyes here in this valley of dying stars in this hollow valley this broken jaw of our lost kingdoms in this last meeting places we grope together and refrain from speaking gathered on this shore of this dark river sightless, unless the eyes appear again like the eternal star Rav Alim rose from the twilight realm of death, the hope of only empty men. V Here we are walking around the prickly pear Prickly pear Here we are walking the prickly pear at five in the morning. Between the idea and the reality between the movement and the fact the shadow falls for you is the kingdom between the perception and the creation between the emotion and the reaction the shadow falls life is very long between the passion and the spasm between the power and the. Existence between essence and descent The shadow falls for you is the kingdom for you Life is for you This is the way the world ends This is how the world ends This is how the world ends not with a bang but with a whimper.

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