The highly sensitive person H.S.P.


The highly sensitive person H.S.P. It is like a sensitive film, the difference between a film (with which you can take a normal picture or an X-ray) and just paper.

Paper cannot record and reflect reality, whereas film can be printed according to what is available at the time.

Paper can copy what’s on film, but only film can have direct access to what’s on.

The film of H.S.P. Photographs reality and also the parts of reality that are not self-evident (as in the x-ray machine).

Most people do not photograph reality, but copy the picture of the world from other pages.

Indeed the film can capture a picture of reality, but its advantage is also its disadvantage; This sensitivity to impressions can also burn her, if the impressions are too strong or too rough. Paper can be exposed to light and nothing will happen to it, but the film needs the protection of darkness, it must not be exposed. Strong light can burn it, it works well when hidden, peering into reality through a camera peephole.

And this burn from exposure to light – this is what happens to sensitive children when they meet, on the one hand, the education system and on the other hand, the group of children. The encounter with the dominance of the education system and the norms of the conformist children’s society – reveals their sensitivity to the burning influence of the outside, and this leaves a trauma in them.

The exposure of the H.S.P. to social stigma, the ordinary rudeness of life and perhaps even ostracism – they are made to suffer by burning their sensitive film, but it is the same film that accepts reality as it is, and therefore they do see reality as it is. , but with that, they are burned and their lives are full of crisis.

Their personal lives become the price they pay for their incredible record of reality.

But what exactly is there in them that makes them perceive reality as well as the hidden reality? What exactly is this sensitive film among them?

Well, the receptors in the human soul are his nervous system, they are a kind of seismographs, and the nervous system is the sensitive tape.

Once upon a time, when they talked about a psychological crisis, they called it: a nervous breakdown.

The nervous system can accept states that are beyond normal material reality. And he is the one who measures the electricity in the air, the dynamics in a conversation, the internal charge in another, what lives in a person and not in his mask. The sensitive nervous system of the H.S.P. It is the dog’s ear that receives the ‘dog whistle’ that the normal human ear does not receive.

And the more sensitive a system is – the more easily and quickly it can be destroyed; The same organ in us that registers the less clear reality is also the one that is easily destroyed, when reality becomes too acidic and burning for the film’s sensitivity.

Psychological instability is, to a large extent, related to a sensitive and fragile nervous system that functions in a crude society that ignores the inner life of the individual in it.

Most people are born with a nervous system that can be in a difficult, stigmatizing and heartless state – and not be harmed, while those born with a sensitive nervous system – are badly burned.

The more herd like society, the more dominant the stigmas will be. If society were not so herd and anti-spiritual, the H.S.P. will not suffer from such strong psychological disorders.

Only a small minority among the H.S.P. Able to sublimate and transform the harsh messages from the outside into art or creative writing, thus acting as art therapy for their damaged mental life.

and H.S.P. Anyone who manages to continue writing, creating and composing without being broken by a personal crisis is a pretty big achievement in itself.

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