Gabriel Raam

(First translated 51 pages from Hebrew)
A quote:
“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes … the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. … You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things. … They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
Steve Jobs
Man is born and comes into the world alone and leaves it alone. And between these two, from the moment of his birth until the day of his death, he will find himself surrounded by people, planted in society – almost at all times and wherever he will turn.
However, in order that a person stand on his own ground (go through a process of emotional maturity) – he must realize fundamentally, that as an individual creature his greatest freedom lies between him and himself, there is the source of discovery and self-actualization.
Since this is a process that is not easy at all – and the pressure to cuddle up in society outweighs the effort required to learn to stay among yourself (or only with some rare few like of your kind) – it has been found that most people prefer to congregate into the embrace of the collective society, rather than stay in company themselves. Only a minority fails to join the majority. Trying to join but being left out, out of everyone else. Different, not acceptable, not integrated. They are called outsiders.
Now, what makes them to ‘deserve’ to get this stigma of the outsider? on the outside it is them being different, but on the inside the outsiders I am referring to here (not the criminals and rapists of course) are special, rare, unique, have special talents, carry some sort of a high spark, high sensitivity, and they have the talent of seeing the world and human as it is and as they are, born with some extra soul quality, and some of them possess a spiritual tendency.
In daily life – on the one hand they have not yet found themselves (not in a steady job nor in a steady couple ship) – and this personal uniqueness that has begun to emerge from them does not allow them to join the herd of ‘togetherness’, conventionality and ‘normality’. And society, once it recognized the outsider, she immediately becomes suspicious and points to them the stigma: different. Most outsiders carry this label as a ‘mark of Cain’, a curse. A minority of them manages to translate their diversity into art (from writing books to joining a rock band), some finding their way into fringe groups, like: cults, sects and various orders and new age groups. But there they become more likely to become even more herd like, stemming from their deep wish to belong to some sort of social order.
And those who remain outside the field of art or the marginal-alternative/spiritual groups- remain outsiders, suffer from the stigma and continue to be deserted and out, or they can do the most difficult task of them all, to which an internal maturity is required; which is: to adopt their ‘abnormality’ to their hearts, as a personal identity, and become outsiders out of consciousness and self-choice.
An outsider out of consciousness is the one who opposes, standing against – not just as a stranger, as another – but as a refuser, as a denier, as saying “no”. And whoever says “no” is a rebel, as Abler Camus says in his classic book: “The rebel” : “A rebel is a man who says no’’.
- This is in short the thesis of the book: The only salvation for the outsider is to become a rebel.
Internal Order of the book: The book begins with an examination of concept of conformity and group pressure operated on the individual to be like everyone else. The book continues with the concept of being a personal exception (An outsider). The only way to become out of it is to transform being an outsider into becoming a rebel.
The book later dealt with the description of the various establishments against which the rebellious man goes against. The book goes on to try to explain the outsiders and rebellion from the perspective of the rebel and the outsider themselves – and presents extraordinary (radical) theories in their approach to the issue of outsiders and rebellion. The book ends with an encyclopedia of creative rebels and outsiders, trying to do justice to at least some of them and bring a selection from their words.
Gabriel Raam
Hod Hasharon, Israel. 2022
- The Individual and Society
According to psychologist Otto Rank, man lives between a kind of two magnets, each of which pulls him in his own direction, one magnet comes from within, and he embodies the need to be individual, to fulfill a personal and unique self-potential, to be authentic. The second magnet comes from outside, from the direction of society and it embodies the need to be acceptable, to belong, to receive approval from the rest of human beings and from a large and powerful body; The company.
Obedience to each of these two ‘magnets’ comes at a price;
The price of going after the personal magnet is to stand out, to be different from others, to expose yourself, to invite stigma, criticism and even discrimination. And another price is the struggle, such a person will constantly be in an effort to maintain his individual identity lest he assimilate into everything else.
And the price of walking in the social groove is of course and first of all, the swallowing, the loss of self; Society commands the person to give up the inner voice for behavior and life that is no different from that of other citizens of society, and this often leads to the dissolution of the individual identity and at later stages – even to the death of that personal identity.
But there are also rewards; The reward in relation to following the inner voice, is in strengthening the self-personality, and in creating an inner center of gravity, which gives inner power, and gives way and direction to a person in a confused and wayless world, in light of the voice of intuition; That is, man receives guidance and help from his self, he creates his life from within. And already Augustine wrote about this many years ago: “Do not ask to go out; return to yourself; the truth resides in the inwardness of man.” (This is also the quote that concludes Husserl’s story: “The Partisan Logics”).
And what is the reward of union with the social magnet? Well there is no doubt that union with the social magnet alleviates the pain and frustrations of personal existence in an uncertain and cold world for its inhabitants. Personal conflicts become less important and bothersome due to general problems and issues such as; Politics, economy, military threat, etc. And as a person becomes more involved, accepted or successful in society, the message he receives will be: ‘You are fine’, we approve of you, and any internal frustration or conflict will pale and lose their power in light of the following reassuring and encouraging message from society.
But presenting things as a conflict that every person experiences in his life, between two magnets, is inaccurate, because in most cases there is no conflict, except in not many cases – usually the social magnet wins.
And this victory has been going on for a long time; For a long time human society has come together and taken life from the hands of the individuals. For a long time the individual has not met his life, as a path to self-fulfillment, realizing potential and discovering what is possible for him in terms of what lies within him. (But as an excess charge that often hinders him from integrating into the social array in which he finds himself).
For a long time, society has become an organized, powerful, economic and educational body – with technology, an establishment and an effective and efficient bureaucratic system – whose power and activity come at the expense of the personal path of the person who finds himself – lost – in the huge space of bodies, systems, organizations and procedures.
All this must flood to the surface some questions; First, where does this immense power of society come from? Why the voice of individuals is silenced and finds a place mainly in art; In prose or allegorical and metaphorical writings, and almost completely absent in overt and open conversations and encounters, or in direct and unambiguous essays? How is it that in such a pluralistic, democratic, and freedom of expression society – still the center of gravity of the individual – in it – is found mainly in the social context, and in social, impersonal realization. How did it happen that personal realization and inner life – became negligible language coins in mostly marginalized groups (new era), and that most common conversations revolve around what people do professionally, where they spend, where they went, what happens in politics, economics, countries, nations, etc. . Where has the importance of the arena of the individual in his units gone? How it is that the individual only becomes important when he is part of some social establishment, contributes to that establishment significantly (manager or senior employee).
Our society rules the huge and multiple rule over the individual, the personal and the private. If so these are two magnets; The company magnet and the sole magnet. And it’s clear who wins. But let’s take a closer look at one of them separately.
A. The ‘magnet’ of the individual:
We have all studied history, but there is an interesting phenomenon that arises and is observed only when examining ‘human history’ with an examining eye; Then we discover an interesting thing: we do not find there the individual, his suffering, his hopes, his happiness, the meaning of his life, etc., (it remains for the authors of the stories, and the bodies of realities, in novels, etc.), where we find only the many. The individual does not exist in history.
Indeed, human history is full of great and vast happenings, which happen to peoples and nations, societies and cultures, but all this is a smokescreen behind which not all individuals are seen. We do not talk about the mental state of the individual in different periods, about the change made in his level of consciousness, in the state of his being, and not even in his happiness, in his longings. All this remains for writers and other bodybuilders of all kinds. And the people who are not part of a group that influenced society – are left out of the historical picture, marginal and isolated.
Eleanor Rigby
“ah, look at all the lonley people, ah, look at all the lonely people
elanor rigby picks up the rice in the church where the wedding has been
lives in a dream
waits at the window, wearing the face that she keeps in the jar by the door
who is it for.
all the lonely people, where do they all come from?
all the lonely people, where do they all belong?
father mckenzie, writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear
no one comes near
look at him working, darning his socks in the night when there’s nobody there
what does he car
2 . Conformity
From the dawn of our childhood, we have been under tremendous pressure to be absorbed into various social settings. We are told that if we fail to channel the energies of the self that revolutionizes us – in the direction of integration within the social framework – it will lead others to the conclusion that something is screwed up in us.
In many hidden ways, we are subjected to a tremendous pressure on the part of society, to abandon the inner, personal center of gravity, and to settle on a social center of gravity (profession, studies, etc.). This pressure entails the demand to align with social norms, to be like everyone else, not to be different. The explanation for the power of society’s tremendous influence in shaping the life of the individual lies in the understanding of the concept of “conformity.”
The term conformity, describes the tendency of the individual to accept the rules of society and the norms that are customary in it, in order to belong to it. In other words, since man is a creature with social tendencies, he has an inherent tendency to want to belong socially – in order to gain the approval and daughter of belonging
The need to belong socially is driven by the individual’s desire to gain “that he is okay”. Belonging to a workplace, nationality, religion or state, gives the individual considerable identity and benefits. By virtue of his group affiliation he receives important rewards. In general, a group has much more power than an individual and its ability to protect its members, to achieve for them things that they could not achieve as individuals. The more cohesive and powerful the group, the greater its tendency to enforce norms and create conformity. Usually the majority straightens out what is acceptable or what is expected of it. This is well seen in the surge film, where a charismatic teacher manages to prove to his class that Nazism was not a solitary and extraordinary phenomenon of madness but a dynamic that could occur in any society. And perhaps the madness and loss of a human photographer – it is easier for them to happen among many than
At Yachir
The individual lives in a state of constant tension and conflict between social values and individual values. This conflict can be described in a struggle between two values: the need for dirt in sympathy You must filter out the values of the society in which you live and agree to let go of giving expression to your sense of justice. For your motives and sometimes also for the genius when these are inconsistent with the social approach. On the other hand if you stand up for yours and insist on giving expression to your perceptions when there are none
Appropriate to society’s perceptions – risk harsh reactions and ruin your status in society. To bring the individual closer to social values, society exerts pressure in direct and indirect ways – and whoever turns his back on his efforts, soon finds himself cut off from the social oxygen pipe, (or, as a light finds his way to a non-conformist fringe group whose members turn their backs on the mainstream social approach). Paradoxically, it is precisely there that the pressure for conformity is much stronger (it follows) that we are all at one time or another facing the fate of choosing between the voice of society and the inner voice. The choice to sympathize with others, while giving up what is right in his eyes
Of the individual is the phenomenon of conformity The need for aura allows society to make it behave in the ways it accepts it when the threat implied by irrations is: “If you are exceptional – you will not be back.” The Mir conformity of the individual is also influenced by his social status; Popular group members can afford to express opposing views of the group and not succumb to pressure (up to a certain limit). In contrast, the isolated and snooty friends – who want to make the same suggestions, will have to be more conformist – so that their voice is heard and accepted.
The fear of being exceptional is fueled by a range of factors, the most prominent of which is related to the degree of self-esteem of the individual. People with low self-esteem generally tend to succumb to much more peer pressure than those with high self-esteem. Also, successful people tend to be less fully compliant than those who have a history of failures.
There are situations in which the individual decides to adhere to his version and his personal justice, even if that justice is inconsistent with the social norm. This situation is called non-conformity, which is defined as “the individual’s freeing from behavior according to an accepted social norm.”
In his book Demanding God (Yedioth Ahronoth 2002) Dr. Yair Caspi calls the conformists the name: “Gourmet workers”. At the beginning of the chapter on idolatry (p.
210) He writes the following:
[9:36, 10.11.2021] gabyraam89: 22 + Part One: The Company
Naturally and awnings are effective and take initiative and responsibility,
Do not give up
For others, tools one way or another, it seems that education has made independent decisions and not even those that require moral courage to make – but mostly directs it to give up adapting itself to darkness to a squabble.
In our society.
A man who goes to a ruined carpenter and a fresh carpenter the conspirator here on Reut Tchal on various opinions that the culture with the consonant will face harsh reactions at firstrrrrlichen and algot disregard and in extreme cases even violently but by most indoctrination and will try to persuade him to back away from his abnormal pasture. If he continues to hold on to it – he will encounter a rejection that passes quietly, below the surface, without easing penalties. For example, one of the purposes of conversation in social gatherings, is to empower wisdom through the stories that people tell each other. The numbers are in agreement with Carobi, who said that the cold was on the group. If in a conversation about a topic that is happening behave from what is acceptable in the group. Immediately the members of the group try to recite a furrow. It is done in such a pleasant, casual, and covert way that it is difficult to point it out, but to the rhodynamics of now reserving reservations from the words of the utterant, in “Let me fix it.”
Ignoring or erupting, etc. The problem is not that a particular group or society defends its beliefs and opinions nor the existence of a “permissible” and “forbidden” system – but the aggressive, mediocre and intolerant way society shows towards those whose views are inconsistent with her
Which is acceptable.
This shows that most people do not come at all to the search, let alone the formation, of independent evils, and this is because businesses align with the evils common in the sector to which they belong.
The great problem with conformity is not its very existence, but the fact that the transition from a single mind to a majority knowledge is almost always approx.
3- Group Thinking
Square we will expand because people in the herd and go crazy in the herd, they will be able to return to their senses slowly and one by one.
Charles Sky
Some time before the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War, the Israeli army already had information that clearly indicated the military readiness of the Arab states and the possibility of launching a war against Israel. But this idea was so far removed from the existing conception and so contrary to the consensus of those days (“impossible”), that it was rejected outright, and those who knew or darkened otherwise – humbled their minds.
Changing the place of independent critical thinking – in liberated thinking – is known as “group thinking”. In this situation, the individual’s ability to make the right decisions out of discretion and correct discernment is impaired. The phenomenon of “group thinking” reveals the great power that the group has over the individual and the indirect and covert ways in which the group takes to sterilize the individual from independent thinking and enslave it to its patterns.
The influence of the group is so strong that it is not limited in time or place and does not depend on the physical presence of the group members. In fact we are in the group all the time, even when we are alone. Even then we still weight our responses by how they would have been received in the group; The group becomes a spiritual authority that influences our decisions, whether it is a group of friends, an ethnic group, a professional group (doctors, lawyers), a group of teenagers, a group of friends, the working group, etc. We are all in a brace of several groups within each other, each of which operates a subconscious pressure cooker, which causes us to lose our ability to properly assess the big picture.
For Wing Janis’ group thinking is characterized by a fear of innovation and a tendency to outright reject new ideas. Anyone who has ever tried to come up with an innovative idea or proposal for a drastic change in one group or another, probably remembers the reactions: from disregard, or disagreement, to opposition and even aggression. Anything that may undermine the cohesion of the group or threaten its stability – is rejected. And since each member of the group strives to take part in the general agreement so as not to be unusual – a youth in the group tends to reach an agreement as soon as possible. Of course, this tendency creates a superficial and ineffective attitude towards solving problems. The group will ignore independent ideas, hurry to reach a general agreement, at the expense of proper judgment of the situation. It will not examine all the options, it will whitewash the issues superficially and ignore risks or consequences. While one idea becomes the center of the group’s consensus – other ideas (even those identified as good) are eliminated without careful consideration. Anyone who insists on supporting a different idea than the one the group agreed on is perceived as threatening the group’s existence. The group does not have a compromise in this matter and individuals in the group learn to shut up and avoid disagreeing with group thinking.
And yet, despite the group’s strong control over the individual, it is precisely the individual who has reasons for the group to exist and to have in its hands the immense power it has instead of the person taking responsibility for his life. Will develop an independent approach to heating his unique soft in life – he is happy in the social entity for which he has led to impose the responsibility. The growl of many is not just a coin of language – many people ie “half consolation”, another language, while the individual loses the fathers encouragement and find psychological refuge in the feeling that if the whole group made a mistake to lose together with everyone, and if all is lost then no one in the world Finding the way to self-realization, comes the group entity that allows you to get lost, because not everyone can be wrong …- There is a matter here of “Dismissing responsibility for Hoyt move not only my fault.
The whole eye of the group is a kind of default as to the burden of Hut’s responsibility for the fulfillment of his life. Being an integral part of the group, he no longer needs science and fiction all his life, now his is in the people around him. In the record, he is an X, then the problem of responsibility and the burden and direction of his life. Does not make me in Schocken. Group tyranny also exists in respondent groups. The bourgeoisie also in the oligarchs in the marginal groups – both want in disguise. Admittedly in a mask of liberalism and political-correctness.
And one might think there are more enlightenments there. The one who researched the subject was the late Christopher Lash, one of the most important social thinkers in the United States, he writes about the elites in his book: The Elite Rebellion, which shows that even under the guise of elite American groups lurks clear and even cruel group thinking, thinking
A group that is released as soon as the elite is in danger or under attack: when they encounter resistance they betray the venomous hatred that lies deep not only beneath the smiling face of the good will of the upper middle class. Resistance causes humanitarians to forget the good liberal virtues they claim to espouse. They become nervous and vulnerable, self-righteous and intolerant in the heat of political controversy.
And if a flame fell on the cedars – then group thinking did not miss any of the other groups that withdrew from the rule and rebelled against the consensus, referring to spiritual groups and the new age. And this is puzzling, because the alternative groups are supposed to challenge the tyranny of the majority in the name of the deprived voice, and it is precisely there that an extreme version of conformity and group thinking takes place. The target audience for joining the various sects are the few, those who have not adapted to the group pressure in global society, and it is precisely in the classes in the monasteries at their religious meetings in the ashrams that, ironically, the group pressure is several times greater. The only ones who join cults (even if they are boiled centrally), are usually very dependent and seek the approval of others. That is, above the surface they follow their personal voice and their unique way, but below the surface they seek social approval (and receive it in exchange for unconditional support along the way).
The specific path or traffic to which they join). That is, it is precisely the religious, spiritual, and mystical currents, ways, movements, and sects — which are supposed to challenge the conformity of the herd of the majority — that use the same tactic. And just like personal freedom, they enforce peer pressure several times over.
4 – The “Them”
Would Hamlet have felt the same magical attraction of suicide if he had not had an audience and lines to say them?
Jeanne Jeanne
As we have seen, somewhere in the course of education and society, the inner voice goes silent – Spencer gives way to the voice of society and culture. At some point in his life, the adolescent abandons listening and tunes to his inner voice, in favor of the conformity of what is expected of him act and be.
Conformity is not a theoretical, abstract, abstract concept – just as the group is not just a collection of individuals. These individuals have a name and an entity, and this entity that they create in unity, is a kind of conscious and omniscient entity, an omnipotent social entity that exerts on the individual power, means of supervision and control, and an effective reward system.
This entity is also called: “they”. “They” said, “They” did, the “They”. Under criticism and observation in the style of the Big Brother, to be okay with this body with this entity. Over the years this feeling is getting diminished and we are getting smaller compared to it. We grow up with their inner inner feeling “there is power to shape and influence our future and our destiny, the” they “are perceived as the formidable home where we have our destiny in hand, and we must satisfy him. Kobi Bar confirmed it we are less and less ourselves, less existent thanks to the world of tonight
Shapeless “otherness,” as Heidegger calls the phenomenon: an ordinary person belongs to others themselves and increases their power. The others, them this the other, or the other is not someone specific, specific, but someone general, without identity, without face, one of many many who are similar; everyone is like everyone else and everyone in fact is not anyone specific.
The other and the phenomenon of otherness are one of the negative by-products of mountain dynamics descended into society. The phenomenon causes our judgment of reality, our considerations and perception of life, to be conducted according to the criterion of “what will they say” and not according to their true value.
Heidegger, who showed the intensity of the curse that “volatility” brought into our lives, makes a separation between the primary world into which man is born, and the world after culture has entered it. A world where alienation and generality take the place of intimacy and individuality. This state of affairs is one of the “services” that a person “gains” as a result of no longer having to take responsibility for his privacy and self, because while he and others are tyrants to each other, they get rid of existential loneliness – the property of every person in the universe – and run anonymously. This reciprocity gives them. ID
One, distances us both from each other as human beings. And this is a rather paradoxical symbiosis: “I thus created a situation in which the other controlled me and froze me in his very presence, and at the same time as you saw as I did, yet there is no connection or intimate intimacy between the two of us.” In such a situation the person is not himself because the other “took from him” his self, yet he finds rather refuge and hiding within those “they” of whom he fears.
Once the individual has found refuge in “them”, in the overall behavior, he develops social abilities: like knowing how to hide, assimilating into the audience, giving up, “knowing how to get along”; Use the social voice so that others will be afraid of you, more than you are afraid of them. Everything personal is immediately made public.
The temple of the individual’s life becomes an abandoned ruin and the main arena for the existence of the individual’s life is the publicity. And when he is at the door of his mothers, in his house, he does not live his life. He hides and takes a break from the revealing publicity. And what does Heidegger say about the public? The relationships formed between human beings living under the auspices of the “they” are relationships between objects, between objects, frozen and public relations.
The individual lives in an entity that others give to him, he does not exist as a self in himself, but as a people as it is perceived through others. Or in Heidegger’s words:
In the practical public environment by the use of public transport and by the use of knowledge services such as the newspaper, each is like the other, the entity of the person himself dissolves completely into a kind of being of the others.
So far the antithesis to say if so the thesis? The thesis is authenticity that is, the basic equation in human life is as follows: authenticity denies morbidity and mortality denies authenticity. Where one of them exists, the other does not exist, and in our society the otherness prevails. If the authentic is personal and private, then the other is general, identical and similar to others. If the authentic is intimate and subjective, consider the objective. Are
Sees himself and the other as an object, an object, an object.
5 – The power of the group on the individual
Our “normalcy” and “adaptation” are often nothing more than the departure of the transcendence of the soul, a betrayal of the true potential inherent in us; because many of us are overly successful in buying a fake I in order to adapt to a fake reality.
R. D. Liang, the divided self
Man has created a society, but the power accumulated by society has become so great that society as a body, instead of having some kind of symbiosis with the individual, or being a tool in his hands – has almost become a closet over him! Writes about it very sharply, r. D. Laing: … all those people who want to control the behavior of large numbers of other people – do it through and based on the experience of those other people. And once people are prevented from tasting a similar way, you can expect them to behave in similar ways to make all people want the same things, hate the same things, feel the same threat – then their behavior is already captive, you bought and you own your consumer audience or your cannon fodder. Then it can already cause the same perception of Negroes as subhuman, or of evil or degenerate whites, and behavior will be carried out accordingly.
This powerful influence of society came in place of his personal life; Instead of man realizing his uniqueness as an individual, instead of letting all this vast range (between his fragile uniqueness and the infinite universe) manifest, he creates Some mediating and sealing factor; Education, education, auxiliary 30, etc., all of which conceal and obscure his true personal ability. For him the reality so that he does not experience the emptiness of the inhuman universe Social masking also prevents the individual from feeling his existential condition as a person, and as security: “You are not alone”, “You belong”. And thus, an embrace of the society around. The social wall of defense conveys to the individual a false sense of intimate intimacy = the individual from feelings of uncertainty, emptiness and the horror of death. Society gives the individual a sense of false certainty; she says: “What we have is fine, none of us have to worry, the laws we have created are certain Teases אo a man who lives in a huge desert; He’s building a house for himself. Heart אhick walls, on the walls many pictures, and both real around.
The dish is hidden from his eyes Deafness. “What is it like?
This is also the great paradox of religion; Pregnant is supposed to bring together the individual business world, God, forces above him – but in practice she brings him mostly together with rigid frameworks and with others who look and act just like him. In the lap of religion the individual gains a structured, safe and predictable world, a world of warm embrace and protective certainty; Every question – answer, almost everything in life has some kind of comment or mitzvah. But aren’t these lighters a substitute for something that lies within the person and needs to come out? And in order for him to come out, does he actually need uncertainty, embarrassment, confusion, and emptiness? Honorable Artist; The artist creates the work through embarrassment, confusion, emptiness. Both the artist and Eddie need some personal medium, through which, what he feels inside will be able to be expressed. Or once deprived of emptiness and uncertainty and surrounded by walls of social, cultural certainty – there is no possibility of self-fulfillment, because it occurs only against the background of the uncertainty of life within an empty universe and the death that awaits at the end.
From an essential point of view, what society is doing is creating a mask between man and the son of emptiness, confusion and terror outside. Most people live in perfection, and are very comfortable with this masking, and have no problem living out of the distance of the perfect and the perfect (but also deceptive). Ignoring the extent of the silent universe outside. And over the years this masking hel For example the chats on the Internet. Although these chats respond to the cry for Anna’s touch, but instead of the person meeting people and exposing his wounded and bleeding soul, he is without “like human beings”, in “like a place” and talks about things that can be the real but
There are many ways of representing the frustrated individual; this is reflected in the attire Zadok and tattoos, legitimacy for groups that were once considered marginal groups, in subversive currents in literature, thought, politics, etc. But do not talk to deceive us; All of these are mostly cosmetics. Because in the end, a large proportion of those who represented the personal voice only externally, and only a few manage to maintain true uniqueness and personal voice.
Most people maintain loyalty to social codes, live their lives through the binoculars of what others say and obey a long line of social imperatives. The average, middle-class citizen loses the wine for himself – and becomes a server of dominant LEDs, whose goal is to create external security. His life will be better trough both the strong of the individual with the group of the mind (and this will be visible to any other group), he manages to avoid being measured with the question “Who am I?” And especially with what I can be! The concept of happiness is directly related to learning in which the person manages to meet a system of normative social expectations, such as: income level, number of friends, successful children in school or profession, travel abroad, etc. However, this system of norms is not the same as the other the sexes, for example for a man – the bad that he would be happy if he had sex with many women. While the woman would be happy if she had one man (successful and strong), who would love her very much and be loyal only to her. Then after living with such a system To a situation where he has no idea what he really wants, what his personal approach to life is and what can be in his life, and he becomes a pale replica of some kind of blurred collective social norm who from the beginning came to prevent through his personal fears – from gaining momentum … Whoever writes softly on the subject of social coercion and the silence of the unique voice is, again, Shlomo Giora Shoham, in his book The “Sociology of the Absurd”, where he quotes the sociologist George Simmel who spoke of life Social is full of high school greetings and claims that most groups suppress the unique characteristics of their members. The stronger the establishment, the more oppressive it is. Dostoevsky has already said that there is no place where the devil likes to dwell more than in a monastery. “Kierkegaard, for example, described religion as” the essence of lack of authenticity. “
It is immersed in the student’s mind, but it is not a knowledge that is assimilated into his personal life (part of the life experience). A trip to the Land of Education is akin to a trip on a safari, where Spawn sheds boys with a tightly sealed waist – from which he overlooks the wild outside, before punching the tiny bourgeois and synthetic ottoman. A person may stand for the sole of the truth, quote it, manipulate it – but not absorb and assimilate it. The modern student does not utter the was but needs it. Collecting it, or in most cases, wearing it (i.e. the degree) on
It seems, therefore, that the greater problem is not the existence of restrictive and restrictive norms. But the fact that most people are not at all aware that while realizing their existence is barren – they are like a miss to a great extent in a stone fire, no cable is more legitimate than the transparent cables, for he who does not know he is bound will never let go either way, overt or covert, it is known but to descend. One of the sickest evils, of the socialist despite the seemingly insane settlement. Also because the seniors of the parking requirements and answer are the things that are done without social approval. We tend to internalize our internal social norms, and so in effect the cultural and the clergy fluid with us our personal and creative freedom. Who made a very significant contribution to the preparation of the person’s behavior in the tapping of the Influence of Normalization The French Jewish scholar Emile Durkheim argued that anyone who wanted to learn the person and understand his behavior wanted to go and rummage first. At the roots. The social influences from which the hereditary Yankelbailen to the personality. And Dakarim sharply criticized the rock niche (an approach that advocates biological or psychological interpretation of human behavior) and turned the zircon into the social structure to social and environmental hours. According to him, the tremendous power of the social structure, over the governing norms, the attitude to which the individual receives his embarrassment and his social status – all of these have a weighty and formative effect on the Aram. “Ran as self-indulgence in man, thereby bypassing his willpower,” says Dakhak on the power of social norms. Any attempt to understand the individual within: Suspicion only in his personal consciousness will lead to failure. Will bring about a more complete understanding of the individual,
6- The social establishment and the realization of the potential of the soul
Partial depersonalization of others occurs incessantly in everyday life and is seen as normal, if not truly wished for.
R. D. Laing.
Some people say behind your back and reflect on your position in society.
Edgar Watson
A. The latent power of social conditioning
We have seen so far that society serves the person’s need for a sense of belonging and mediation, in which he will feel safe. This mediation is based on a system of claims for the existence of social norms. Yet literature and art are full of subversive and skeptical works, and anyone can cool almost anything, and not only that, but the social system has even embraced the subversive writers and thinkers: Socrates, Plato, Spinoza, Kafka, Antoine the Saint-Exupery, Nietzsche, Thoreau, Samuel Beckett, Jeanne Jeanne, Rambo, Francis Bacon, Jean Paul Sartre, Hemingway and others.
But although this adoption into society creates a sense of liberalism and openness towards works that deviate from the consensus – it is precisely the very recognition of them that must raise suspicion about the sincerity of their adoption into the consensus. This liberalism is joined by the whole matter of education: the knowledge learned in school and at university, Filed in the student’s mind, but it is not an assimilated knowledge in his personal life (part of the life experience), the trip to the Enlightenment is like a safari trip, where the traveler in a jeep is protected “well sealed – from which he overlooks the wild outside, before returning to the conference Bourgeois and synthetic. A person may face the truth, quote it, admire it – but not absorb and assimilate it. The modern student does not assimilate the knowledge without needing it, collecting it, or in most cases, wearing it (i.e. the degree) on flap betrayed as a jewel or as a rank in the army.
It seems, therefore, that the greater problem is not the existence of restrictive and limiting norms, but the fact that most people are not at all aware that while realizing their social existence – they largely miss their personal realization. Indeed, there are no stronger cables than the transparent cables, for he who does not know that he is bound, will never think of freeing himself from his shackles – for he is sure that he is free to do as he pleases.
But either way, overt or covert, known or unknown, one of the ills of modern society – despite the apparent permissiveness is the dominant existence, even because covert, of the conditions, demands and demands of society from us. Bottom line, few are the things that are done without social approval. We tend to internalize social norms and give up our inner principles, and thus culture and normalization rob us of our personal and creative freedom.
One who made a very significant contribution to understanding human behavior in the context of the influence of social norms on the individual was the French Jewish sociologist Emile Durkheim. Durkheim argued that anyone who wants to learn the person and understand his behavior – it is advisable that he first go and delve into the roots of the social influences from which he sucked, instead of hanging on the hereditary or personal tree. Durkheim harshly criticized the reductionist approach (an approach that advocates biological or psychological interpretation of human behavior) and turned the spotlight on social structure and social and environmental influences. According to him, the tremendous power of the social structure, public opinion, the governing norms, the attitude of the individual recipient from his environment and his social status – all of these have tremendous weight and formative influence on man. “… They impose themselves on man, thereby bypassing his willpower,” says Durkheim of the power of social norms. Any attempt to understand the individual from an excavation only in his personal consciousness will lead to failure, according to Durkheim, a search of his behavioral sources in society and in the way it is organized, will lead to a more complete understanding of the individual.
Durkheim supports the approach presented here earlier, that each of us is under a tyrannical roller coaster of limitations and social demands, which in a normal state are latent and why we do not pay attention to them. But if we only dare to violate any of them, we will be sanctioned and it will be made clear to us unequivocally what our social priorities are. Into the category of limitations and social demands Durkheim puts as he puts it: “Any acceptable course of action that has the ability to impose external restrictions on the individual”
In his later works, Durkheim focuses on emphasizing the capacity of these claims to infiltrate and become part of the individual’s consciousness. That is, the behavioral limitation is no longer an obligation or necessity imposed on the individual by outside society – but is already a part of it. And this means that society is not only outside us, exerts external pressure on us, but has already penetrated inside and is part of my psychology and in his language, society is: “Something beyond us and something in ourselves”, from this point on Durkheim treats social phenomena not as something in society And in its leaders, except when something already exists within the psychology of the individual. But the individual himself is convinced that the social norms to which he obeys are part of his personal psychology, and in addition he does so because it is his will.
Durkheim also showed that human beings who are strongly connected to the group and who are united within me in an integrative way – become significantly protected from the frustrations and tragedies that are the lot of the person as a person. For this reason, the suicide rate in cohesive and powerful societies is significantly lower than in a crumbling society. And the more united, strong, and consensual society is, the more protection it provides to the individual from internal and existential anxieties and conflicts, – which is more fully integrated into society – the stronger the protection. Her social integration is a function of the amount of interactions that the individual creates with other individuals. For example, participation in religious ceremonies, activities in the workplace. Roles in the community, weak in the evening for concerts or performances – all of which increase the number of social combinations – he creates and thus create in him a kind of wall of protection and ratification, a feeling that he is in Sue Durkheim as a leadership lies in the new aspect he offers learned to free choice. Society, according to Durkheim, is not exactly a framework that allows RIZ “complementary ecology for self-fulfillment – but more of a sophisticated system that pushes extensions of control into its subconscious array and moves you as a wrapper on a puppet. If the puppet feels free and has freedom of choice In the threads that tie her to an array external to her, that of Natchel’s hack novel is a non-social that drives her.
More than the individuals shaping the character of the society in which they want to live, society comes and shapes the life that those individuals live. Society is less a creation of individuals and more an entity that has the existence of a Dorcat orchard or for example that the motive in life is not necessarily the personal affinity and God, but the affinity between the individual and society that life is complex. But society in a different way
Emil Durkheim also argued that deviation and crime serve society by provoking a punitive response and thus reinforcing the moral identity of the whole. Their argument is based on the fact that the company has a fixed rate of deviation. That is, if society wanted to – it would have the power to eliminate the phenomenon of crime and delinquency, but it nurtures them out of defined social needs.
B. Everything is fine – or not
Man’s general attitude towards society is as a masterpiece of the human race, the average man (yes, there is such a thing, convinced that society is going in the right direction that existing problems will come to their good solution sooner or later and there is no doubt that. Which in their opinion is all the progress that sensation is mostly
At the technological level, and that in terms of value and substance, not only has no progress been made –
But there was a deterioration; Materialism pervades, life is emptied of meaning, violence these messages exist in plays (the plays of the absurd, in philosophy (the existential and postmodern store), in sincerity (the abstract sink). In literature (every second novel speaks of disintegration, disillusionment, disillusionment and intoxication). Popularity and they do exist mainly in art and the sublime work. The name of the vague message is presented so that one knows whether it is an allegory or a figment of his imagination The fever of a grotesquely unstable playwright.
In his mind, or perhaps a non-grotesque reflection of exits
Quite a few thinkers and creators turn our awareness to the deterioration of the human friend, to the compulsive consumerism taking over every good part, to the dumb stare at the small screen (on average almost every evening between three and four hours …), to the brainwashing of those who go from rejection to rejection. The commercials, for the relationship between women and men, parents and children to the Third World population starving to death while serving as lumberjacks and water pumps for the seventh and fertile Western world. To the corrupt politics, to the situation of minorities, of the elderly, etc…
I mean there’s a problem here. And the question: does the problem lie in the observers or in the society in which they are observing? Should we cut off the head of the apostle who brought the gospel or thank him for opening our eyes to see reality? Is the problem in the binoculars of those who point out all the ailments, or in the society itself that threw them out of its ranks because they did not want to participate in the collective blindfolding! This is an undecided debate, the exceptions, and especially the creators among them, claim that they aim a crooked mirror at the face of a crooked company, while the company argues that since thrown into the margins their motives and point of view should be treated with great suspicion.
The psychological establishment, advises the problematic exception to rummage within himself instead of gabbing at the wounds of society. “The company instills guilt in the different individual, in three responsible words and check where you are wrong, because you have problems, let’s see what the hell is going on and leave the company criticism, it is irrelevant.”
This is how society plants in the individual, especially the sensitive and the different, the sense of guilt used. “And its norms.
Society can continue its indoctrination unhindered. The self-doubts, which arise in such an individual, neutralize him by virtue of his influence and all and all of these self-doubts directed by society to the critical individual can be clarified in three words: “You are wrong!”
C. “you are not okay”
Madness in the individual is the exception – but in groups, parties, peoples. Periods is the rule.
Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil Section 156 (3, 63)
This is a stigma attached to one who does not behave according to accepted norms, a stigma that has the power to arouse in the individual feelings of guilt and personal skepticism. The very concept of an exception (to deviate), folds within it the meaning of something out of frame, incompatible, that violated a certain order. Society labels the different in a negative way and causes it to turn to itself and against itself – to look for what is wrong with it, and if we turn against ourselves, there is always something to be found, and this ultimately leads to guilt, in one form or another. (Feelings of guilt are the deaf cops of every social regime, and subversion is the troubled war of those whom the deaf cops failed to capture …)
This is how the establishment works, and this is how it weeds the unusual weeds out of its well-kept garden. He no longer goes out against them externally, as he once did, as in totalitarian regimes. Soft and subversive weed are both sophisticated and subtle. The company conveys informal messages, in all sorts of ways, that transmit to those who do not go in the groove, and so, instead of having to “handle” each potential subversive individually, it brings its exceptions to a state of self-skepticism and hence the path to self-blame and self-restraint.
For example, a child who does not integrate socially because of high sensitivity that does not reconcile with the rudeness and aggression around him may become a kind of goat to hell. The parents will contact the educator, the educator will contact the educational counselor, who will contact the institute that specializes in caring for such children. And the feeling that comes from all this is that something is wrong with him. If the parents are convinced, the child is doomed to grow up accompanied by a feeling that something in him is indeed screwed up. He will develop restraints and fears, his self-confidence will be harmed and the system will be exploited by another potential critic and subversive.
That is, the secret weapon of a society that has no external means of enforcing its authority as a society, is to plant a sense of anomaly in different and uninteresting through the agents of -socialization and education, leading the non-integrator to self-probing and self-digging, leading it to the obvious conclusion that “I am wrong”. This topic – in Richard Harris’ book: I’m fine you’re fine). Unfortunately, there is hardly anyone who will tell an individual who wants to preserve his individual unit, who will not hesitate to carve out his individuality by going against the flow, who will believe that he is indeed a whole societyAnd an entire culture operates according to codes that are inconsistent with its voice – the human being, and that with him everything is fine. But society prefers the preservation of the collective interest over the existence of the sensitive and special. Besides, every man carries on his back the whole culture and problematic history of the human race, and we mistakenly think that this burden is ours, which originates in our personality. After all, everyone looks so “okay” so “what the hell is wrong with me,” the frustrated individual asks, so easy to fall into the trap of self-judgment and win society over and over. It’s so hard for the sensitive, to think well of Agamba but to think badly of yourself – like him in collaboration with social and cultural norms, who decided and determined for the individual – what’s right and what’s for Abtur, Dudu a dangerous line of thought, for each of us has a repressed “I am wrong” Only from my father-in-law to the moment when he can take over and ruin our lives, and as soon as we allow ourselves a stump of Yael that his son will not be darkened, and eventually see ourselves as a failure not in one area but in all areas of life, failure in ambush for example: Long live the effect, “Dubiner will collapse a chain of life and deception experiences deduction of labor and over time self-punishment is a childish niche that illustrates self-disappointment and aggressive turning towards the self, this matter also has consequences and psychosomatic effects following In order – past achievements will be erased. Barney Siegel Love Medicine and Nits) Cults affect
One of the areas that causes us the most to go against ourselves – show self-discipline, this is an area that constantly causes us to wallow in ourselves, and indeed nerve discipline is an important thing in life, most people would like to believe that they have discipline and when he Reveals that he is in fact devoid of self-discipline: for example: He is not continuing with physical training, persevere in a diet, quit smoking or complete his studies) – he becomes a candidate for self-judgment, This brings self-punishment, both arise from the paternal approach.It come out of the conclusion that if the attitude is wronge than the person is wrong. But in relation to it, the maternal approach says the human being is always ok.
And even when he’s wrong he’s fine, and that’s just because he’s asleep. And for a person to go against the dictatorship of the collective in his life, he must understand that only the maternal way, of acceptance, forgiveness, support and empathy will allow his self-aggression against himself, this terrible “I am wrong”, to take a break. And may not destroy it completely. (An extension on the matadnal and paternalistic approach, in Erich Fromm’s book: The Art of Love, where he talks about paternal love, demands and only then loves – if the requirements are met. This is in contrast to maternal love which loves unconditionally – only because the child exists and is born.)
The problem is that many human beings accept themselves on condition and thin in the helm. This is a “perfection that always depends on conditions and conditions: meeting expectations, the ability to progress in work and economic status – or at least not lag behind the subject of the comparison; marry at the right age, bring the right number of children, and be responsible for their grades in school; Our self to crack over and over again. Which must lead to the question: “What’s wrong fuck between”
The social approach is a masculine approach. It should be understood that to a large extent the manner in which the establishment and government of society are governed in society stems from the psychology of the masculine approach. And this is an approach that says that before you exist you have to meet expectations, and then and only then can you have this approach that stems from the paternalistic collective, which constantly demands and pushes for achievements.
The female approach accepts the person as he is. This approach has a lot of acceptance, support and tolerance and it conveys that we are okay, and we are okay because we exist, because we exist! And yet the odfarguments of “you are wrong” – sound so convincing that it is difficult for those who feel it to understand that not only are they okay, but that they are the victims only those who embody and manifest the ills of society: depression, lack of motivation and existential meaninglessness to life Moreover, the one who dealt a lot with this area of meaninglessness was Victor Frenkel.
That is, from a radical and challenging point of view, it is not a question of sick individuals within a healthy society, but of individuals who do not integrate because they may be a social mirror. After all, history has already taught us that in many cases Meir the majority is wrong and is greatly mistaken, and justice is often found precisely with the few who are discriminated against. Galileo is a clear classic example of this, but there are many other cases where just individuals cannot prove their righteousness … and yet, move will.
D. Sickness of society
A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free.
Nikos Kazantzakis
Usually we are we accustomed to explanations showing the exceptions of society from its point of view as problematic or as mentally ill, but how would things look from the opposite side of the binoculars? Let’s take a subversive look at society through the eyes of the one who doesn’t interstates socially.
The radical claim says that that those who are denounced by society are used as scapegoats and only reflect what is under the social mask snow claim is questionable sinking by society neighbors of a purely bourgeois and fair citizen. One of the leaders in this claim was the psychiatrist, such as Prof. Martin Seligman and the controversial Scottish psychotherapist. R. R. Laing and Tomorrow hold land from the University of Pennsylvania “who was no less than the chairman of the United Association As America), which claims that America is today in a state of clinical depression: this is manifested in many living while coming to terms with what is not happening in college The collapse of the thirties (“Thirty Plus”), and Irish years of drunkenness and if we dig under the minette again Like: So this is what this life has to offer Lenny “So why did we grow up and learn and rise in ranks?
*Canadian singer and poet Leonard Cohen gave this feeling. A phrase from one poignant line: “We are imprisoned in our suffering, behind the locks they have tortured ours.” It might even be more extreme to talk about social deviation. The dead “social deviation” usually refers to the behavior of individuals when they have been removed from the social straight path. But there is also an opposite phenomenon, which is also appropriate for the outside world and social deviation. “In the first case, the individual is socially deviant. In the opposite case, society is humanly deviant. Here are some possible symptoms: an increase in crime; Movement offenses, white eye offenses, etc.); intensification of stress, pressure, anxiety and burnout; intensification of diseases Attacking the individual’s immune system; Aggression and alienation are increasing from person to person; Ignoring (in our lives, in turmoil, in the climate of working life) the human, mental and human factor. Automatic empowerment, which deals chiefly with embryos and numbers, and depreciation and inner truth, deepening the gap between laws and the weak; The trampling of the delicate, sensitive, and weak by the power and domination of the strong and prosperous, the intensification of factions and factions; Unbridgeable rivalries. Trust disappears in a sea of conflicts, and the union of harmony and dialogue recedes into random and isolated islands.
We are all becoming more and more alienated from others. This alienation creates a mental and spiritual social emptiness. And so we find ourselves trapped in a vicious circle: those who offer us ways to get out of alienation are the same advertisers and sophisticated salespeople who encouraged us to pursue the economic affluence – and now they are offering us to replace one addiction with another through advertising that promises that If we use their products we will start an end to living a real and full life This dynamic fuels competition in the job market and puts people in difficult mental states, and what happens at home? Succeeding in spending the rest of the day trying to relax through books, newspapers, non-stop eating rusks and vitamins. A place of honor reserved for television, by the way, a new study by the prestigious Harvard University states that watching television reduces social involvement by creating a brother of escape and distraction from the existential anxiety of life In the current reality שnother escape channel, the Internet, provides time spent casually strolling and chatting; In conversations with strangers. On a superficial look, it seems that it is not fresh to meet people who communicate, expand the circle of communication, etc., but studies show that Internet chat impairs existing communication systems, with the people closest to us. A study conducted by Stanford University in 2000 said that the Internet now occupies the time slot previously devoted to contact and contact with our loved ones. The chat on the internet is the tip of the iceberg that shows a process, sharp and even violent, of transition כrom living in a living human environment to a lifeless electronic environment. Television, the Internet and consumerism are the main choices with which man finds refuge from the horrors of existence and the emptiness of life. Consumerism leads in a big way: “I need means I exist”, and people buy … everything … especially when there is no need for excessive consumption to solve the problem of emptiness and existential deprivation, which brings us to the malls again, and so on. In the end, a kind of thought was born here that is quite nihilistic and selfish, something like: “Everyone does what is good for them”, an attitude of this kind, which holds that there are no values. Everything is subjective, and everyone else lives life the way it seems – leading to postmodern thinking, which casts doubt on everything, especially in the sacred cows of yesterday according to this thinking, everything is so meaningless, empty and mostly obscene that the main thing left for us is contempt and criticism. Everything in fact postmodern thought indicates one big disappointment. Disappointment with the modernist traditions of progress and the expansion of the boundaries of human wisdom and light. Disappointment with the enlightenment and pretentiousness of science. There is nothing new, says this thinker, everything that claims to be original is nothing but another distraction. No more religions and God, no more avant-garde art. “We are trapped in an ongoing crisis of meaninglessness and a lack of faith that the future will bring anything positive.” Postmodernism may have deceived us from illusions, but in doing so it has intensified the horrors of existential emptiness (because it is no longer possible to hide and lie to ourselves).
It’s interesting that most people who read these lines must say something to themselves about Harley Ice for a lot of people, but not me, because everyone builds their life the way they want. ” In their head; no matter what the situation around them – the individual is supposed to have a choice and shape his life. And the truth? The truth is like Durkheim’s doctrine that we mentioned in the previous chapter. We live much more in accordance with the perceptions that society has planted in us, than in accordance with who else really is. For example, the idea of wealth; If he just wants to. That is, the idea of free hindsight is behind decisive and decisive factors, yes not a family is born and what is your social status. North Pillars Bollywood chefs in television commercials in school education, In polishing speeches and more (and interestingly, this is exactly the message of commercial spirituality as well).
Thus, the silent and growing majority, is divided into those who are satisfied with a quarter and manage their lives (child labor, sex, food, etc. out of completion 3 defeat or both), and those who are not satisfied with the existing, but agree to be good, if only they take the right step .
And who cannot fit in? Seeking refuge in psychological therapy, in religion, in commercial spirituality (New Age version), in art. Although he may be left with his inner truth (the one he knows is not only inner and not only his), but these live in glorious solitude, surrounded by familiar people living a life of meaninglessness, who cannot understand what he is talking about – if he even tries to talk to them. And therefore (if he chooses life with an inner truth) in most cases, he is silent. Inside he finances what is left of his inner life, whether in reading, writing and talking to soulmates, and outwardly he is forced to live like everyone else, wearing the social uniform, wearing the mask of the role he plays.
E – on rolls in society
We all fill roles – the role gives us an identity and allows us to feel responsive in this world, which identifies and relates mainly to roles, the inner being of the people in – is absent. The role is the character the role
is the entity The role is the person and Hades e
is nothing. People adopt a functional identity, similar to that used as a card as a gens transferred in a slot on the front door of a room in a house when I was assigned at the entrance to the reserve only for permit holders.
This identity can be anything that is representative of any value perverted in society. For example, when a person is part of a family (I am a brother of, a brother-in-law of, a father of, a father of, etc.) – when he was recognized for general publicity as a society.
There to be sick or close to a patient. The slot into which the person is embedded. For example, in a restaurant that is set up to receive couples or the morale of the system, any system in the noila that fits the framework of the parcel will hit it) when a person enters a jug in a restaurant. Usually the question: sex (there are almost no tables set only for another person, if a person comes alone, you have to clear the plate in front of him), when a person enters the restaurant alone, usually the question is: “How many people you “? Although, as mentioned, he enters completely on his own, and this is because he does not fit into the way they are arranged.
A system, as a system, is not built to relate to items by virtue of being items, it is prepared to address only what is functionally embedded in the way it is constructed in the first place. This is well seen in the medical system; If a person has a disease that exists in the system, there are medications (usually) and there is treatment, but if he comes with unidentified symptoms, then he is no longer treated as a patient, he is considered sick if his disease is registered in the system. A similar thing happens at school, where the student’s unique mental structure, talents, etc. are not important, only his ability to integrate into the system as it is, and the help he receives is how to integrate, but if he remains unique and special, with a clear personal identity, but without integration into the system. Built – it will be ejected.
And so, humans at work. For example, people who receive an audience or take care of people, they “do not bring with them to work” their self, because there is no need for it and it only interferes. And so if they are suddenly required to have a personal or unique treatment of a person, by virtue of being human, and not necessarily by virtue of belonging to the system in which the fetus functions – suddenly they do not know how to respond, they do not have the technology to treat a person – as a person, only the procedure Social identity and I am functional.
And to identify I am one functional, I need another functional. Coming without a functional identity to the system – it’s like coming naked, and not that nudity is shameful, simply if you do not wear a uniform – no person, because the system – as a system, does not know how to identify and treat people, only masks, name tags, titles and roles. This is similar to the old movies about the seer and the invisible. A lab experiment made him become invisible and then he sees everything, but he is not treated because he is not seen, and he wants to be treated, he swaddles himself in bandages (and looks like a mummy), or wears clothes, wears sunglasses, a hat and an artificial beard, and then he is seen , So it exists. That is, one sees him through the costume, through the mask through what he wears on the outside. (Gurdjieff calls it “Personalityl” as opposed to the nuclear essence, to the true self of man | Essenee)). A person can radiate a very strong presence from within, but it will not help him if he does not have a “name label”. The system, as a system – is not prepared and built to absorb and relate to independent entities, only to functional images (it has no measure for measuring attendance, only for identifying labels and degrees). Identifying and relating to a person through the role is essential for people living a mechanical life, such as out of sleep. Because by virtue of being dormant in relation to the inner being of human beings and the actual Their presence – they need people to tease them about external signs, yes, a job title, a job, etc. This is how it is when living automatically, mechanically. When the levels of awareness are external and rude, the contours of things become a substitute for a stone their real.
Even in interpersonal communication, there can be talk about trying to understand things at their level of depth, their meaning – the common talk is softening on objects and labels, talk that is mechanical, trivial, talk of talk and chatter that does not come to meet the person as a person, but to replace Recipes about consumer products or how to use products or objects better. In the world of labels, man has no existence of his own and he also does not arouse curiosity in his very existence, he is an object, he is a tool. And object an tool is useful or not. People exchange labels: “I visited, I bought, I read”, but there is almost no sharing of feelings, experiences, personal feelings, views. The true self is disabled. We talk mainly through connecting to what is marginal and caring for a person’s life: pleasure, gossip talking only about what surrounds the person, and not about himself and certainly not about what lives in him. It is a conversation that is typical between friends, or people who live together And take her but with regard to foreigners, they are examined through functional belonging, as stated, and the role is what with which and through which one communicates and takes place in the world. And this role consists of many functional parameters, most of which are foreign to what lives in a person as a person, to what is human from. And ultimately these functional parameters are supposed to cause the person meeting then
“The Stranger” being able to sing it to a particular format.
The name of the game is “Belonging Game”. Where does this man belong? At what seven do you put yourself? Of the world is one big warehouse, and the important thing in meeting Annie: is not to understand them per se and get to know them in depth, but where to embed them ‘and the typical neighborhoods: gender affiliation ethnic, national cyber political, professional, class, etc. These are all cards passed through the magnetic slot. They are recognizable in relation to the fact that the ability to identify the functional function in the catalog is lacking. That is, it is not possible to refer to who is alive and individual, and therefore all that is alive and individual, d Common categories This world of ours today is no longer kosher for all human beings as autonomous individuals, but only in groups, especially snoring groups for example the industry rolls millions of dollars by So it’s tuned to TV — everyone needs mega-groups not to the foam of human consumption, and so it does to books, movies, and TV series — all made to speak to mega-groups, a to groups, Subgroups and certainly not to individuals. Because the individual has no purchasing power, he has no influence and therefore should not be treated. Everything is a system designed to treat a large number of human beings at once, and therefore the only one in it – as a human being, as a human being – does not exist.
The school is also designed to absorb and care not for students but for classes, strata and classes A student receives reference only when he is part of a class or stratum or class. And if a particular student does not wear the appearance of the majority and does not receive the grades of the majority
(Because it has a unique structure that requires a fine adjustment) The system, as mentioned, will emit it. So all in all, we live in a world of systems designed to treat groups rather than Bnei Adas. Although people can also be treated, provided they have a role and a role that contributes to the group. It follows that the two elements that give a person relation to him, belong to the plural (proletariat) or an essential, influential role (functionary). In such a world the relation to the individual is a stanza relation, treated through stencils, as in a factory which produces mass production. And if it does not fit the stanza – it is as if it does not exist. And if an individual needs personal treatment, for one reason or another, the system gets stuck; She does not have the programming to treat a person as a person. Without the stanza one does not know how to relate. And so it turns out that in a first meeting with a person we do not know, they are desperately trying to catalog; Looking at the clothes, at the show, trying desperately to find any hint of hair to put the person in any category, and failing, not knowing what to say, the gaze empties, freezes. No programming.
- The average ones
A. The bourgeoisie
Bourgeoisie is a form of materialism, a form of: as everything that kills the dream, it’s what kills everything beautiful. In the eyes of the bourgeoisie. It’s security, it’s a form of soul mediocrity. That’s all I do not like. That’s what ages. I do not like it.
Jacques Brel in a TV interview
What is a bourgeoisie? From the code name Burg (hence the name today) in the Middle Ages, to indicate then the “burials”, that in the 16th and 17th centuries they tried to defend their status from the nobles (about 5 the urban merchant, the artist and the ally. : Also in the nobles).
Dominating the labor market. According to the historical conception of Marxism – which describes the a possessive social regime. In the context of this concept, there will therefore be a “preparation of the great Rivorganism”, between the layer of the merchant artists and the owners of the
Nowadays when we say “bourgeois” we may be referring less to class, income professional and more to a state of mental existence. It is an existence for the sake of having a existence that lacks peaks (great aspirations) and depths (mental). It is a fragrant arrogant existence, the ability to create a family, to live an orderly life with morality in the Kabbalists in God or the state starring in them in a place of honor – record and achievement. Mount Com – for evil or creativity and deviation do not exist. The existence of the Yes Medium has become a queen, And material. The originality of the ruler line. Identical to blue as one level of gout (of about an inch) and the culmination of Anum’s ambitions as an avenue-dealer that he will live less than the others in Nile. Neat in life. He does not have to compete that it is important that he does not succeed
It is the existence of tyranny that comes to dominate mediocrity in a trajectory that often leads to stagnation, conservatism, responsibility and commitment to the system and framework, routine and mental shallowness here spirituality is perceived as coarse salt, and heating meaning as a waste of time was in adolescence, In the bourgeois basic conditions smile, that if you do not answer them you are almost like the air: you must have an education, preferably academic, own a bar rented as a town and a landlord, have a fresh urban living family in a villa, drive a family car right or erotic and fly to a soldier once every two years, as a bourgeois Ordinary will be on your whole days as questions: “Am I earning enough? My wife is handsome enough? My kids’ grades are good enough. Is it time to replace the apartment in the villa? The old car with a new one!” It is this lifestyle that stands out as a chicory in the poetry of Malvina Reynolds: “Little Boxes”:
Little Boxes
Malvina Reynolds
Little boxes on the hillside
Little boxes made of ticky tacky
Little boxes on the hillside
Little boxes all the same
There’s a pink one and a green one
And a blue one and a yellow one
And they’re all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same
And the people in the houses
All went to the university
Where they were put in boxes
And they came out all the same
And there’s doctors and lawyers
And business executives
And they’re all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same
And they all play on the golf course
And drink their martinis dry
And they all have pretty children
And the children go to school
And the children go to summer camp
And then to the university
Where they are put in boxes
And they come out all the same
And the boys go into business
And marry and raise a family
In boxes made of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same
There’s a pink one and a green one
And a blue one and a yellow one
And they’re all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.
There is room to add that when they return home they watch a small, square box in the box there are always tiki taki. And when they die they likewise find themselves placed daughters where they remain from now until forever. It’s a small, elusive life, the bourgeois lights returning everything and a critical sign of awareness self, inner life and at the expense of self-accountability, to the individual for his life.
B. On: Normopathy
Normot “is the inspiring nickname given by the psychologist Christopher bowles called: Normopathy, to people whose anchoring in reality is so complete that they have lost all connection to life. To their inwardness. By all accepted standards, I’m a self-righteous person who is not so normal in his own eyes. They sacrificed their psychic lives. psychologist Christopher bowles: Normopathy has no connection and dialogue with his inner life | He has no idea how he feels, since he is detached from his feelings and therefore his relationships with others are lacking; he maintains functional, instrumental, alienating relationships with others and with himself. Friends will be characterized by the absence of an emotional component and will be based on facts and reports of what has happened in the time that has passed since they met. Rei, but he treats all of these as necessary labels, since he has no end in the personal experience or content of the show he is watching, for example, rather he is actually indicating the performance of the activity. This is a task to be performed and beyond that he does not dig deep into another meter that characterizes the normotic, according to Bulls, is that it is very important for him to be free from the system, part of the establishment, part of the team. He would prefer belonging to a particular group framework over an intimate conversation with some person.
He treats humans as objects, and he likes to acquire objects and surround himself with it in light of all this, it seems that the normative type will not be able to fall in love, but to the extent that he can experience daydreams. But as in his infatuation, it is limited, but she, Bulls argues, only that their love will not include the inner parts of the soul. – Daydreaming imaginations without the presence of his inner and personal world.
Although they know how to have fun and laugh, it is difficult for them to experience real sorrow for freedom to mourn the death of someone dear and close, they make a rational rationalization of clichés: “be good”, “think positive”, “in life there are ups and downs” etc.
Normots’ self-esteem is closely linked to their performance – and if they do not receive appreciation or positive feedback on the way they perform their roles – or if God forbid there is a devaluation in the value of the role they perform – it can destroy them. When the norms find it difficult to withstand the burden of a life without inwardness they are Tend to seek comfort, balance or refuge in various addictions: work, drinking, fitness, sex, eating disorders. Bottom line, these are people living in an external reality for whom they have sacrificed their internal reality. They have learned to give up inner desires, passions and desires, and all that is left is only what has representation and application in the outside world, or what can be talked about with other norms.
This is the opposite of psychosis. There the person abandons the external life and is anchored entirely
In an inner world of hallucinations and fantasies here the normotic has abandoned the inner world in favor
Tangible world and acceptable behaviors.
C. On mediocrity
It is to live in the middle not on the sides, not on the margins neither soft nor hard, (as in Nathan Zach’s poem), neither hot nor cold, the main thing is not to be different from the rule. The common pattern and regular habit are the wardens who hold the average bear in administrative detention. Any behavior that is different, unusual, challenging or controversial – gets a strict chill.
Children or babies are never mediocre. Each of them carries with it something of a creeping process and there is hardly a young person who rushes with full swing towards his future, which is not unique, in each of them something is not restored, with a personal and original charm. Mediocrity is Ruth the mediocrity that pervades people’s lives does not promise itself: – “It will not happen to me!” The feeling of stagnant and stale water, routine, lack of shine and spontaneity – there is something frightening about them. The young man looks at the adults and says to himself: “So for that all they went through it was worth learning and experimenting just to get to be a muddy lake.
Of water that does not pollute anywhere? In the end, mediocrity is like paralysis; Freedom of movement (mental and spiritual) – freezes, and then, one day it is a final and final certainty; And the annual trip to Turkey or Tuscany is the pinnacle of the extraction and execution of existence.
This is not just about those bourgeois who move between 09:00 and 17:00 – table. And between 20:00 and 23:00 on the TV armchair. The same square – the same mental mediocrity, an sunset of the inner tension – are not the exclusive of the bourgeoisie, it happens to artists and intellectuals – as it is to the bourgeoisie; Self-recycling, replication of genetics known in advance. Thaw chewy, narrow, conventional. As if captured in a particular pattern that dictates repetitive behavior and worldviews. Mediocrity lurks for everything.
Mediocrity is the ultimate compromise, between the initial aspirations and what exists. Living a mediocre life means rolling out the clear contours of things
To amorphous clichés that do not affect in any way, all the same.
They are in the middle; Does not smell, does not stink.
What is interesting about this mediocrity is the self-denial. Because of the unusual, and the strange – know that they are different, that they are walking on an unpaved road that will not lead. While the mediocre can behave in the greatest mediocrity, have a feeling and feeling that they are original and unique. They, for example, emit the flower predictably and routinely, giving the impression that the Pythagorean theorem has just been invented.
For it was possible to accept the mediocrity that does not pretend to be anything but itself. It is difficult to accept the pretentious mediocrity, those who represent a battalion and within them are mediocre. They talk and move and behave in a narrow and mass pattern fulfilling their personal uniqueness; A mechanized doll moving on a hunt? And with egocentric aspirations that only feel (in a very very subjective way, but they seem and behave like a pale replica of all others. One can perhaps come to terms with lack of creativity, flight, brilliance, with the wood clerk with mediocre conversation; but when it comes to spirit – more accept it, For example, when it comes to a theater whose repertoire is mediocre, super mediocre.
This is fine when it comes to the physical dimension of things; Medium height, mediocre sight and hearing – but when it comes to emotions for the mind to think and epic here mediocrity is like stagnant water. Because the spirit and the soul cannot be in debt to new and surprising clouds, and this is because they are absorbed by the very life force that once was. The wind can not be moderate, in breath. Y can not be mediocre, a baby can not have in their hand a flower or a dobelchen or a shark can not live mediocre, they have Moshe Horesh – can not be mediocre. And the more you think about it the more you see in nature there is not so much mediocrity, everything is fresh , Bursting, essential. There is nothing mediocre about a cat, you can watch it for hours and it is always original and fresh. And that raises the question; What is it about us humans that has brought mediocrity to the world?
In an encounter with mediocrity there is a feeling that the composer’s whisper did not open for a long time (Anne that dust had accumulated on the sides of his belongings). Standing air and accumulated dust (positive ions). Something that was meant to be washed away by air and water all the time, but became its own prison.
Man, if they take away from him the holiday violations straight? So wait, or devotion religious, or creative – there must be something wild in them, there is nothing more discouraging than see love, religious devotion or creativity taken from them by the wild spirit of freedom erupting. The young, indeed carrying with them from the galloping her mostly hormones, it is still unrelated to the human spirit. This aspect is real when it occurs precisely when the person is mature and mature enough to bear the responsibility of the one who is giving him freedom, within and out of himself. Anti-mediocrity does not necessarily belong to immature young people, and it is reminiscent of the sentence of George Bernard Shaw who said: “Youth is too wonderful a thing to waste on young people.
And so is the wild spirit: it will actually become of special value when it integrates into the life of an adult and wine can outwardly behave in a balanced manner for a family girl, etc., but inside the wild spirit beats in it powerfully.
And yet it is impossible to say that they are over. After all, we go out to our little fights, for the title, for the job, for winning an argument with the daughter of the fish over a grade for a child at school over a parking space for a testimony on the road, for the amount of tax with the tax clerk. No, yet we have learned that we must not bend, it is yes, yet we have not been able to be big and be bigger from the moment and from the opportunity. We landed somewhere in the middle of the comfortable. Not small and not big, not good and not bad, medium.
Here is a quote from another book of mine: “The mysterious life of reality’ – about the mediocre majority and collective:
“Admittedly, in the end we will all be measured by the results that have changed (and only their elitism), but why reduce will quickly be reduced to, as of now, to the dimensions of an array of accounts that deals exclusively with the calculations of: “It’s all too early? Not too early?” What about the mystery about this wondrous magic that paints the living forces with the papers of account Status?
Do not sell we will be happy for you in the past the shekels of money that will bring you recognition and status here and now. Do not sell your spirituality for lentil-based economic, social and class security because the spirit was born free.
Are not in you and you are forbidden, boring, predictable, mediocre. You blunted the sharp corners, plucked the non-conformist lugs and protrusions. So that you can fit into the squares and boxes outlined for you by the establishment and public opinion.
You practice your parents – striving for the comfortable prison, for the smallness “to which everyone who behaves as a good child, as a good worker, as a good citizen comes to you and you die, and your breath no longer carries with it the fresh scent of the blind and open places; ; Afraid to change, afraid of loneliness, afraid to be overwhelmed, and by the Queen of Extinction, you declare distrust of your instincts, of your intuition, of your inner voice.
You have divorced your destiny and your God (whatever that may be). You have become small. For non-quizzes, belittles and substitutes. As a mercy I will rest your original inspiration – forLegitimacy quarter for a good place in the middle, in a hall where the great show of life continues all the time. But the hall of your life is emptied and closed. No show and occurrence is elevated because the hall of your life now inhabits only the ghost of your resting self.
(End of quote)
D. Mediocre versus subversive discourse’
Mediocrity is evident in everyday conversations, even where “Big Brother’s eye” is open and censored; And so indeed, the vast majority of the conversations we hear are mediocre; You heard one, you heard them all. After all, they have already gone through many filters and presses, and what we usually hear is a dwarf, abbreviated and processed product that does not express the view or the original opinion of the authentic conversationalist, but of his belonging group. Most mediocre conversations are supported by you possibly and a self-indulgent and independent thinking.
In such a situation, of conversational tyranny of group thinking, Kos can resist opposition to the types of discourse that come to challenge the heavenly and predictable discourse of the “middle way,” where everyone speaks like everyone else and no one says anything. Most window-breaking games amidst the oxygen and suffocation of repetitive and unspoken conversations, such conversations are quite rare, and are in fact “subversive conversations,” in which things are said that are not acceptable to say. For example, in a conversation about educating children – if someone says he is in favor of non-intervention and non-intention (he lets the child find for himself what suits him) – it will sound subversive against what is commonly thought; That one should invest seriously and continuously in the upbringing and education and guidance of the child. It may well be that the subversive conversant does believe in his outspoken opinion, but it may be that he is simply motivated to challenge the expected boredom of mediocre bourgeois conversations. And he breaks a window to let in air. The subversive conversationalist came to bring original opinions, to break a window in the heavenly discourse, and also to reveal under the social mask the personal nudity of the mediocre speakers; their lack of deepening. He came to show the opinion as a disguise for a lack of opinion. The rebellious subversive discourse comes to reveal what the consensual discourse hides. Most existing conversations are largely conversation scenery, conversation masks, conversationWith garments, which remove less flattering nudity. And the naked things themselves – do not always go out, and the more Adlerla hides, the more he will really talk. And so throughout the subversive discourse – the ordinary discourse receives the proportions of representation for its status and position and the manner of behavior expected of it and less to confirm that at least the potential to return to its true dimensions. Taste of things, most arrays go in the groove, and only a few are the discourse
Yes, the conversations that follow the conventional conversations can be prepared as an expression for people who are wise to the soldier. Such is life and this is how it is to lift up life as a factory manager who comes to a maintained Shan factory, and sees the assumption and negligence and he goes against the existing situation. A medium-conformist discourse is a discourse that straightens a line; That says what is necessary, when it is necessary and how it should be. This is a discourse “Good boy Jerusalem”. In contrast – the subversive discourse “behaves badly”; Kicks, curses, punches, says what you should not, when you should not and how you should not: goes through social taboo prohibitions. Subversive discourses come to undermine the existing order, and to expose the shortcomings of the flat, clumsy, hypocritical, bloated discourse, self-satisfaction, emptiness, etc. Smug or sloppy. (They come in the name of authenticity, which has no place in the existing order, and in order for authenticity to succeed in the place of pretense and alignment with a dominant norm a rebellion is necessary, in shattering the existing discourse frameworks.
Any dialog – can serve the screen or go against it. Speak in a way that tries to see things as sane, correct, as coming to some agreed place, or firefighters disputing the existing order, to show that through the plaster there is a dirty layer of lime Examples of subversive conversations? The ironic discourse, the youth discourse, the satire discourse and the criminal discourse.
The subversive or anarchist discourse, using words not to construct a thesis or to humane an idea, but to show and expose the swelling, self-satisfaction, or set-modern creditors should be subversive, because he said clichés, demagoguery, bigotry. In this respect such discourse should be shone, k consume worldviews that take things as prepared for them, at nothing. If we apply this to natural processes, then it is cumin yes, which shakes the trees and shrubs, and what falls are the withered leavesAnd the branches, which in any case are held only on braking, because the inner animal power of the tree is no more
Gives them power. In general, it can be said that in nature, autumn is subversive to summer – comes to tear and drop what has no organic and internal credit for being part of nature. Thus, the subversive discourse has actually come to break down the heavier fats and release the system towards continued growth.
And the subversive discourse should not be confused with the cynical and ridiculous discourse. And what is the difference? That the mocking discourse, all his intention to present the other side in his misery (and this in order to strengthen the ego of the mocking party). The subversive discourse, on the other hand, is not interested in tattooing human beings, but ideas, perceptions, attitudes. It does not come from the ego, but comes from a level of consciousness that sees things as an X-ray vision; Without coverages and without conventions, except as they were originally. The next sight is to remove the cover of the social masks, which are so common that the average person does not suspect their existence at all.
Yet not every discourse that sounds subversive is indeed such. It can be assumed that modern discourse is more subversive than it was in ancient times, but not necessarily; We are all forbidden in ways of speaking that we are afraid to deviate from, fear that if we deviate from them a stigma will be imprinted on us and we will receive a negative attitude from the environment.
A similar thing can be said about a youth discourse, or a child discourse, as it is expressed in the story of the new king’s clothes, where the child is supposedly subversive about the king. But he’s not really subversive, because to be subversive you have to be aware of the fact that you are subversive, otherwise, when you say it in good faith, you may be naive, but you did not act.
Subversion is a conscious walk against the consensus, because a consensus covers the truth with self-interest. Thus, subversive speech is unreasonable against something because of knowing that something has become fossilized, frozen, imprisoning the flow of life (and not necessarily because of the facts).
Yet there can be a problem here, and the problem (with speech that comes to break rigid patterns), is that breaking the pattern can be done for the most part. The new discourse – more than it allows a real discourse it becomes a fashion, a lemon for a ticket to some social elite, and then, it too becomes a stone, just like the one it came out against in the first place; Enslaves instead of releasing, the captive discourse. In this respect the English language can be compared to the old (fossilized) language and the American (liberating) language to the new (subversive) language; The Americans were supposed to release frozen English and invent a new kind of speech, informal speech, but American speech also became established and became a currency of worn language, which does not allow expressionMore of inner freedom than the English of Englishmen. The same thing happens with slang. Dynamically, language is in an inflationary process; More and more subversion expressed in slang and more and more broken language patterns. And all this to provide more freedom and authenticity in speech, but the slang of yesterday – becomes the fortress and grave of today. And there’s another problem, to crumble yesterday’s dead structures – the language is becoming more and more popular, at least able to express high things, because after dismantling a tall structure, it’s hard to build a tall structure like it, easier to build a lower structure. Thus, the release of language is only a temporary release, until it freezes again; And at the previous level, although it releases the language a little and for a short time, but the price charged is the deterioration of the language into a street language, which is no longer able to express deep, complex language of language that gives expression to high or low things. Or high.
So where can one find vivid examples of a kicking, but also living and breathing subversive discourse? Well, “living subversion” exists on the social fringes, in criminals, in artists, and just non-conformists. And especially among the young, who are indeed taking advantage of recent years of freedom and rioting in language. But in the process, opposition and lack of dynamism each generation tries to break the bloated, rigid and formal conversation patterns of the two in the adult discourse.
Of the existing work. the previous. And so it seems that in every generation the redemption and correction of language in conversation can receive significant help from the next generation, the young, the cheeky and the no-brainer – the outgoing and outspoken of language and divorce from words expressing unassuming authenticity see it in innovative-subversive currents – in art, literature, In poetry, in painting the saliva of saliva – when the current generation tries to break the ebony, dignity and swelling of the existing work.
The subversive climax is revealed in the young written and broadcast media; In recent years in Israel – especially in the GLC (and also on local radio people who speak differently. “An arrogant and inflated account makes so much peace between the speakers. Unlike the formal wording. The ceremonial and inflated son takes so many people so peacefully, at 11:00 and I call in relation to the dachshund I promised I was lurking for,” or have every birthday – how old is the son? ? 8 years old? Ah not 7 years old … ah, did they Enjoyed the party? Very nice ” It is a discourse that shatters frameworks and breaks rules, and therefore the same hidden capillary flow is felt in it, which does not take into account the frameworks and patterns, and in this is its charm. The formal style is based on a rigid construction pattern that does not allow anything original, contemporary to happen. Formalities and ceremonies are by nature designed to preserve a pose of honor, indeed from there to the Madame Tussauds wax sculpture museum – the road is very short. The younger generation melts the fossilized and rigid lines of formality of its predecessors and opens a window into the world air, and this is indeed a fresh and new angle. Formality and inner being are two opposites that will never meet and therefore institutions and organizations will not be able to bring the individual to spirituality and contact with his inner being – even the most religious and devoted of them. It is important to note, however, that there is a certain danger in informal treatment, as it may lead to an attitude of disrespect and contempt for anything that is not “overlapping” and frivolous, and hence, the path to general worthlessness is short. The wisdom is to preserve self-respect and self-esteem – without stifling the informal part, to be full of life – and yet not to sacrifice one’s attachment to dignity.
To sum up: there is an old saying that it is good and pleasant to be young and beautiful, but it is a great challenge and achievement to be old and beautiful. So too in the subversive discourse; It is beautiful and refreshing to be young and speak subversively and disrespectfully towards the establishment, and to try and get the excess air out of the swollen and fossilized body of the existing conversation, but it would have been more appreciated if the subversive discourse had been maintained in man even after fifty (and not as a frozen pose Which grew out of awareness and consciousness). In adolescents the subversive discourse “comes with the territory” and often also passes over time, but in adults if it is asleep it should grow out of a conscious and sober position.
And so the really big subversives, are not the young ones, but the ones who actually do it
At a later age, they left the young age for field study, confusion and embarrassment,
And in middle age it is possible and proper to rebel, because there is a reason for what…
Part Two: The Other
- The exceptional
There are two types of exceptions: up and down. “Downwards” – the intention to deviate from the average downwards In many cases also deviations downwards, ie in the direction of the strangeness of retardation, crime, etc. – in the upward deviation is meant those who deviate because of qualities that are above average. Shlomo Giora Shoham often finds both in the same creator, for example: Caravaggio, the playwright Jean Jeanne, the painter Van Gogh, the playwright Antonin Arto, etc.
An examination of the biographies of gifted geniuses and creators reveals that various peculiarities and disorders did not integrate socially and in the thaw during their lives they suffered greatly. Researcher Lewis M. Terman, who has worked with research into the gifted child, found that there is a direct link between back intelligence and dysfunction, which stems from the direct link between the rank of researcher Letta Hollingsworth, who followed the most gifted children emotionally and the level of giftedness.
Points in IQ tests, points to some things that make life difficult for Hess, such as their tendency to get bored at school and develop laziness, criticism of having to accept the rules of the adult world, and more. But the real problem of the gifted, as well as of the “low” exception – is loneliness. The exceptions – the categories receive similar treatment from the company – are rejected by others. These too are unacceptable in society, pushed to the margins and spend 3 in glorious solitude leaving them frustrated and full of anger.
Hollingsworth’s research has recently been endorsed by Israeli researchers; Although gifted children have a high mental capacity, they suffer from low self-esteem, have difficulty expressing their feelings – something that causes them social problems. All of these – immigrants from a study conducted at the University of Haifa in Israel on the emotional intelligence of gifted people – the researchers were Prof. Moshe Zeidner, Dean of the Research Authority among fourth- and tenth-grade students, of whom 83 are gifted. (Published in Yedioth Ahronoth, May 29, 2003, p. 20, which reached similar conclusions.
If these things are true of the gifted, it can be said that they are all the more true of the geniuses. And here are some amazing data about geniuses: From the data in the table it turns out that almost half of the geniuses at a very high level suffer from serious mental difficulties (a score of over 130 points in the verbal test is considered to indicate giftedness). It also turns out that the greater the degree of mental injury, the higher the verbal ability.
These data are inconsistent with the attitude towards the exceptions and the mentally ill. In fact the ratio is inverse to the cognitive potential that emerges from the table. In the case of the laryngeal lice to the cognitive potential the company will lean on the unusual fireplace candles despite its cognitive brilliance.
The percentage of old injuries in Bern is renowned for verbal abilities
As for us, in the depths of our intimacy, it is a kind of anomaly the degree of its anomaly from society or its ability to integrate into it despite individual uniqueness largely depends on its inner qualities.
Thomas Szas (the “anti-psychiatric” psychiatrist) says that the number of exceptions in our society has increased because of urbanization, i.e. the process of urbanization; More and more people are not finding a mass place from 9am to 5pm, consumerism, and box selection. Since urbanization, everyone is remarkably similar to everyone else. Fat, when everyone had a “unique” profession – there were no demands so intense, not to be outdone, precisely today we find in the cities marbles people who seem to have gone off the production line.
If we dig a little deeper into the essence of those who are trailing on the fringes of society, we will discover that he who takes himself out of its framework, not to mention those who come out against it is a buffer.
But really?
Could it be that this is a person with a uniqueness against the background of the mediocrity around him, who is perceived as exceptional due to his diversity? Is the exception unbalanced or insane against the background of a sane society, or is it denounced as an exception because its variance is perceived as unusual and it is possible that these exceptionsLiving “on the edge” is nothing but a “montage” in which the cracks and fractures are manifested
Of the society in which they live?
One does not have to go far to get approval for a thesis that precisely those who do not integrate into society are endowed with unique qualities present among creators and leaders, some of whom were recognized only after their deaths.
For example, what would you tell him you heard about a mod owner who drives to Hanu and tells him that his wife is pregnant. They already have eight children, three of whom have been blind for months, one of whom suffers from mental retardation and whose wife herself is suffering from grapes – Rab would the doctor recommend terminating the pregnancy for fear of a genetic defect? Say – make sure if the same doctor had aborted the fetus, we could have told him that at that moment he killed Beethoven…
(The data mentioned are taken from the medical history of Beethoven’s mother).
But let’s say that genetically everything is fine, and we will be tested as spinal cord. Kaab fills out a candidacy questionnaire for their position is senior, we have to play a resume questionnaire from us is not sometimes worried lest he find something in our back that will frustrate our ugliness? Suppose humanity needs to recover in a deep recession. Based on the following patriarchal data, which of the following three candidates will be eligible to serve in the extinct Bi portion and which will be disqualified?
Candidate A: Belonging to the corrupt politicians, he used to consult – astrologers, held two mistresses, smoked in a chain after cigarette and between eight and ten glasses of martini today.
Candidate B: Thrown out of work twice, used to sleep late, in the press the university used hard drugs and would drink a quarter of a bottle of whiskey every evening.
Candidate C: A decorated war hero, vegetarian, non-smoker, occasionally drinks beer, and has never had an extramarital affair.
Well who will most people choose, who will they disqualify? Well it’s clear, they will disqualify the first two and choose the last one, if that happens – here are the names of the candidates:
First: Franklin D. Roswellt.
The second; Winston Churchill.
These two were apparently disqualified.
And who was elected?
The third is: Adolf Hitler.
A society, any society, is not examined in its attitude towards its dignitaries and acceptors, but in its attitude towards its foreigners and others. Towards the weak, towards the other, parent, the different. One who behaves differently; Dressed differently, perhaps thinking differently, the one whose customs are different, whose words are different, but society, as a body. Does not like the different, the other, which does not obey its laws and dictates. Society as a whole, does not recognize the uniqueness and uniqueness of the individual or his autonomous existence. He must belong, bear the mark of a club member “in any framework and be it a professional, class, neighborhood, social or other affiliation. Is not responsive shaving him from a state of “just someone” and giving others an anchor to hold on to and a label to treat him through it “Recognize me … How do I know you? In your deaf high school no? In Nahal? Maybe you are a relative of the Blumenfelds? Are you from the tennis club …? ” Sound familiar/
That is, a human being is not enough, you must carry some sign of belonging to bring down the foreign walls.
The stranger is not dark past what his affiliation group is. The more he is associated with – the more kosher he becomes and the more personal and cordial treatment he receives eh ….! So you’re from housing why did you not say the spoon? Because then I would not treat you like that). Meet a person and immediately try to find out about his group of affiliation: economic, national, family, family and as the data on any collective affiliation increases, the thaw of the beehive becomes more legitimate.
Examining a society through its relation to the other, gives us a completely different preparation of the concept of “Sodom and Gomorrah.” What made Sodom such a terrible place? Prof. Shalom Rosenberg writes in another (Mishkel, 2001, p. 63): “The corruption in Sodom is not in the act that residents do among themselves, but in the abuse of foreigners. To be remote and unworthy of a radina fire and brimstone, but woe to us let us know that in this respect, in this world of ours, almost every city is Sodom and Gomorrah – since this is not an abuse of its name – enough to put on strangers a label “not ours” and their size is doomed to excommunication, Ignoring, discriminating, criticizing and what not. Parents invest a considerable part of their efforts in Braga so that their children can be integrated into society and be equipped with an entrance ticket that will buy them a good place in the middle. They already know what their children will learn later. And they seem to be more successful in life.
Since we learn from a very young age that in order to survive we must belong socially, Most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to painting a picture about ourselves. And to her mostly for soul-searching with relatives. Quite a few secretly feel in their hearts that “I am not everyone” but usually will not give it an outward expression, where in front of you the rule “was like everyone else or … to be marked.
And who are the marked ones?
Well these are all those who have failed to integrate, and that is because they do not behave in
To accepted social expectations or dictates. This is one of the
More ingrained in human nature: to create solidarity affiliation groups drawn
The power of Likud and their identity from the distinction between “we” and “them”, between those who are “with us”
That “against us”, who “ours” and who “theirs”.
The need for such an unequivocal distinction is reflected in every aspect of life throughout human history, from the social structure to the religious framework. Appealers who refrain from belonging to the mainstream and turn to subversive groups or de – accept, in this particular framework, the same rules of echo solidarity and social dictates that apply in any social system A rational explanation for the preparation of this extreme relation to the other: “The other allows the kabba to define itself in relation to it in terms of belonging” (The Other Mishkel, 2001, p. – = 27). Itself and unite its ranks. According to him, anxiety about the stranger is universal “and stems from the fear of the potential destruction of security, ease and serenity no essence of our being and the share of those who accept the group’s practices and laws.
But the attempt to explain the negative reaction to a stranger in rational and psychological parameters – does not encompass the breadth of the phenomenon and does not exhaust * the power and sharpness with which society goes against the “other”. Nor the elusive and subtle and subtle ways in which the aversion to alienation is manifested. Impulses and demons rarely resurface, for example when the mask of this settled, rational member of the culture is cracked. For this culture has banished from the legitimate realm the whole dark side And pushed him into a deep place. Being another and unknown – he belongs in our eyes to the dark, rejected places, which raises the fear of him. Fear that it may awaken from the pomegranate we are pushing into the darkness of our subconscious.
Freud tried to address the dark realm of the unscientific and transferred the darkness of the unknown and assigned to the medical laboratory, where he is cataloged, flashed in his eyes, and dripped into the camps. Is the unconscious the one that gives us understanding about the conscious? Does the conscious light the dark of the unconscious, or is the unconscious the one who can shed dark light on the conscious? If we look from a dark place towards the light we see shadows. We see evaporating lines. The darkness that looks at light sees shadows in it. The light that looks in darkness sees external contours. In general, we prefer contours over shadows. We see shadows as demons and contours as a faithful description of reality. , Deals with the shadows of the human psyche and the life of the peoples, while the contagious describes how things are defined. Everyone – the foreign ambassador, the exception, the one who’s scary because he’s not Mo. fence. It is indescribable, devoid of identification label Since the stranger is an ambassador for the frightening darkness of our subconscious, we can say that our fear of the stranger is actually a fear of our subconscious, and it is this fear that sticks the label on which the general name is written: “After that the unconscious Ours, perceived by us as alien and threatening, one that needs to be alienated or cataloged and labeled and this is exactly what we do with the unusual hole with the other in society make it repulsive because it represents to us the dark forces of the mind.
*He has become a goat to hell, and what is behind the idea of the “goat to hell” is actually
The company’s need for exceptions, in order to have someone who will be a kind of sewer pipe
For forbidden passions and desires – which allows the people of the center to feel just, righteous
And enlightened – in their own eyes. Being kept from the stranger, different and exceptional stems from the fear that he will bring with him the plague; The subject of the seed of calamity. And how do you know he is “other”? Well if he calls and we recognize familiar codes, if he does not enter the correct password – we lock itOutside, and on his forehead the label: “other,” i.e .: not ours. “Who knows what he’s carrying with him?” “Does anyone know him?” “Does anyone know where he came from?” “What is he doing?” Here a father finds the myth of the virus as a parable, as a symbol. Defending against an invisible virus that an unfamiliar nation carries with it. It is interesting to note that this phenomenon also exists in sects, marginalized groups and religious movements; When someone there repeats a question or leaves the path of the cult, he encourages the members of the group the same reluctance and fear; He became a stranger, after threatening to infect the Bond with the virus of what lived outside the protected commune.
It follows that it is not enough for a person to be human to make him kosher in the eyes of our people – he must show an identification card. If he did not go through the same brainwashing as we did – he would, God forbid, challenge and disrupt the set of codes that society has imprinted on us. The problem with the one is starting to arise. Once we fail to put a label that associates it with a space from our familiar world. For example, when he says ordinary things but the feeling that he is from his field is different. Or the feeling that comes from it is normal, but it is not possible to catalog the things he says in a familiar drawer. Then the fear erupts and the “other” is pushed out, wanting to get rid of it immediately. They are afraid that he will be able to infect us or make us like him by covert brainwashing. Maybe there is something in his words that will make us transform Pnibel as different or that his presence has broken a kind of delicate balance on which we manage to maintain that if God forbid the stranger manages to upset the balance and penetrate into it, maybe then forces we worked so hard to keep out of consciousness and consciousness. The complacency we have built on the development of the volcano … We are afraid of losing control 5 The release of the oppressors we have imprisoned within us. We are afraid that they will come out clear and sharp on the toddler. Our sheets. And confuse Miri
You’ll Need It appears in a play by Edward Albe – Delicate Balance A Delicone Balarace) that won the Pulitzer Prize. After her fourth marriage collapsed. All the softness of Agnes’ sister, Claire, an alcoholic, very thin and delicate sinks that rent the balance so that the pomegranates will not be disturbed by the animal. Shelter, a refuge from a horror that suddenly attacked them. Horror that they cannot say what it is.
Harry: “Everything was very quiet, we were alone and then .. (Edna cries) Nothing happened but … nothing happened, but …
Edna: “We were scared.”
After all: “We were scared.”
Agnes and Tobias know very well what they are bringing into their home. Or at least Agnes knows, Tobias tries to be moral and righteous and convince his wife to accept them and she answers him with an amazing sentence: “It’s not Edna and Harry who came to us as friends, it’s a disease.” Harry tries to protest and Edna replies, “I’m not asking you to choose between your family
To our friends. “
Harry: “Exactly yes.”
Edna: “I’m just saying there is an illness.”
In the third act, at the breakfast table, Agnes tells Tobias, “You’ll make a decision and enough.” As if to say: “Invite the disease in. If it seems to you that you can deal with it but in advance it is clear that they will have to eliminate these people, because in the end the great fear is that they will contract the disease that Harry and Edna bring with them – full consciousness, repressed demon consciousness they can not Allow the full consciousness disease to enter them.
The disease or the demons do not reside in the realm of the family alone, they have a place of honor even among nations and peoples. A prominent example is the First World War: precisely at the height of the Enlightenment, when progress and enlightenment seemed fair and humankind managed to push darkness out of the enlightened and democratic realm – the demons erupted in the most horrific and total way. In World War II. We witnessed the terrible eruption of the German demons. Indeed, it was precisely in the nation that was perceived as the most cultured that the most horrible harems of all resided, with their goal – finding goats for hell and destroying them. In my opinion, this terrible hatred more than an Irish reflection and the difference transmitted by the Jews, was a direct expression of the power of the demons that inhabited the German subconscious. The illusion provided by Hitler is like the rooster of atonement, if the rooster dies the demons will also disappear, the darkness will disappear. If we return to the dialectic between consciousness to give consciousness, between light and darkness, between the group and the other; After all, another polarity can be added to this list, the one between freedom of choice and determinism; Determinism is perceived by mainstream thinkers in organized culture – as dark. While freedom of choice and the exercise of willpower are seen as representing the enlightenment and the ability of human society to organize the enlightened forces into our lives and the dark forces outside the city gates. We only put in Things that are part of the world that says that we have free choice and that we have the power to change the world, only the things that we have control over and that we know because what we do not know makes us anxious. (Anxiety and not fear, because fear is from the known, anxiety is from the non-event.)
Into this expanding dialectical continuum whose pocket is us versus the other, it is possible to insert the future-past duo. He is full of mistakes, ignorance and ignorance, and that now that he has learned. We have betrayed and educated – the future will be better. Here we turn to the future, and his denial is of the past; we are the future. The past is all that is not us , Part of the darkness, the future is part of the light. the future is the freedom of choice. the past is the deterministic part of our biography.
Awake here we have heard the sane majority version. So what does the rejected ‘other’ have to say about that?
Well if we take the last polarity, the one that moved past to the future, then the other’s approach argues that towards more power and life dynamics than the future, in the past lies man’s genetic code, where lies the seed of his life covered by walls and labels of false enlightenment and progress. Learn your past to understand what lies within you, not the future, until Crete towned the trend to erase what is true and our luminaries fantasy would have done so The nationalist has gone through all those dilemmas in which Re has managed to try and keep away, and therefore, as a representative of those shadows, one must stay away from him.
Existentialism, Taoism, Zen Buddhism and Quantum Physics, as well as by Creators
Such as Franz Kafka, Fernando Pessoa, Dostoevsky, and more (a broader list exists at the end of the book, in the sixth part called: “The Encyclopedia of Outsiders and Rebels”).
The organized social world does offer options to choose from, but the approach presented
By the stranger says that everything will eventually happen as it should – here
There is no freedom of choice and it also does not matter. What matters is the one area where it is possible
To choose, and this is the realm of being yourself, “most things are determined without you having
A choice about them – but you can still choose within yourself, you can be
authentic. If you choose the role and the mask. You are not yourself but everyone else, and maybe
There is some comfort and reinforcement in this (what happens to me happens to everyone. You have created many half-comfort “).
But if you are true to yourself, that is, authentic – you take responsibility, and what happens to you will be real because it happens to me and not to someone who is everyone. “This is the other’s secret – he remains one because he has chosen to be authentic.
The irony lies in the fact that most people are convinced that they are themselves, that they have a choice and that their lives will improve, depending on what they choose to do or be – while in the end most people are what they expect to be controlled by the unknown, living with predetermined determinism. The stranger is the one who can be blamed for not realizing the fantasy. He said to the immigrant, the goat to hell. It is the modern sacrifice that society places on the altar of enlightenment, modernism and the belief that everything is fine, and that the well-known and well-known society is the best solution to the human and existential dilemma of the individual.
The conformist and optimistic approach believes in the ability to exercise free will and choice and use them to control phobias and fears, this approach holds that we are on the right path and that everything is fine). The way to show that everything is fine “is by isolating the factors that indicate that not everything is fine. Compared to this approach comes the outsider approach and presents an existential and darker thinking.
- On Exceptions and outstandings
- I’m not on anyone’s team.
Jonathan Holden
The prevailing opinion is that among the members of the organized and institutionalized group there was a partnership – and in contrast among strangers, each to himself, and loneliness and foreignness are the name of the anointing and perhaps things are not as they seem.
The other, by virtue of being single and lonely, is close to himself. Does not need the bow shell that will protect it from the others. The stranger, then, is an open being, which is not only devoid of boundaries, walls and gates closed, but also devoid of corridors. “The other” is having an inner drinking intimacy. This is in contrast to the members of the organized society, based on 2 territorialities, definitions of areas and short dividing lines for the profession, between chin
High to low status, between rich and poor, between men and women, etc. The very definition of a company as a company – sets boundaries and separates people, was it according to the label: it is a programmer, it is a salesman he has an academic degree and the attitude is according to the difference: “one of ours” or not “one of ours”.
On you society, by virtue of its existence candles reign as borders and an intimate violin. Instead of individuals defined by their place in a broad social context there can be no intimacy, but alienation and alienation. And this is pure intimacy, he has no boundaries beyond his control, and therefore he frightens (so to speak) the boundaries of society and the definitions and social violations of stigma, the weapon of alienation does to you the only thing that society, which has ruled Weir I “to me”, the weapon towards me The other amorphial intimacy the whole father does to separate him from us, to define him as one not our own. One that all boundaries apply to me and he stays out.