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11 posts
Gender and female sexualit
Not for nothing did the snake hand the apple to the woman. And not for a man. And not for nothing is the woman who presented the apple [the symbol…
11 essays on the hard fate of the gentle and the sensitive in a society such as ours
Sad lisa and friends
The downfallMany young women are falling on the side of the road, and the one who is stilling the show is the loud queen of the class. When a man…
Powerful and intelligent women
Every once in a while a special, unique, human being with a spark is born.But there is a difference between what kind of special man are born and between special…
The package deal of love and sexuality,
We are used to accepting love and sex as a package deal. There is no one without the other. Love those you sleep with and sleep with those you love…Love…
The great mysteries concerning couples getting together
. Part one:An obvious question;How come everyone finds someone?How did they get married?Basically one experiences one relationship (maximum two) , and already they are in the rush to get married:(Generally,…
The great mysteries concerning couples getting together.
Part one:An obvious question;How come everyone finds someone?How did they get married?Basically one experiences one relationship (maximum two) , and already they are in the rush to get married:(Generally, No…
Í don’t want to get hurt
A known and good looking Israeli actress, was interviewed for a documentary on her life, called: “Aliza” (here is only the trailer). In one of the scenes (in which she…
About special men, and (especially) about special women
Interdiction: Some people are born with what I call as: excessive soul. Or “free soul”, or: extra soul. It could also be called: a spark, In Kabala it is called:…