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13 posts
*Sayings of R. D. Laing:*
“They are playing a game. They are playing at not playing a game. If I show them I see they are, I shall break the rules and they will punish…
GabrielJuly 16, 2023t Psychology is an invented field. Until the 19th century it almost did not exist. There was folk medicine, wise men, exorcisms and consultation with leading spiritual men.…
Book on the emotions
Gabriel Share Tweet Chapter 1 -Emotional maturity and infantile emotions Part one: In dealing with emotions it is impossible to do it without this two opposite terms: ‘Being emotionally mature’…
On receiving acceptance and feedback
If something powerful leaves you and there is no one in the receiving address, or the receiving address does not receive it -then this something makes all the way back…
Between being gifted and being normal
Part one:The present human society gives much importance to the value of being normal, to this value there are a bunch of qualities: Among them: being stable, responsible and so…
On the Scapegoat theory
Part one: In every house and city there is a sewage system, in the human body there is a similar drainage system, it is operating through the skin and lower…
On difficulties and traumas
Usually it’s only a matter of time until a crisis is crashing on you, and it checks the strength of your structure. When the crisis hits, the whole system is…
On taking things personally
There is a direct connection between the power of taking something in a personal way and the extent of its destruction.When a person is under its influence – the dearest…