
GabrielJuly 16, 2023t Psychology is an invented field. Until the 19th century it almost did not exist. There was folk medicine, wise men, exorcisms and consultation with leading spiritual men.…
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Book on the emotions

Gabriel Share Tweet Chapter 1 -Emotional maturity and infantile emotions Part one: In dealing with emotions it is impossible to do it without this two opposite terms: ‘Being emotionally mature’…
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1. When we come to understand further the issue of hatred, as was written in part 1 – we usually perceive it as a deviant emotion, that it stems, grows…
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On difficulties and traumas

Usually it’s only a matter of time until a crisis is crashing on you, and it checks the strength of your structure. When the crisis hits, the whole system is…
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On taking things personally

There is a direct connection between the power of taking something in a personal way and the extent of its destruction.When a person is under its influence – the dearest…
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