We lived in secret. The unknown surrounds our lives in a siege. And within that, isn’t it only a percentage of what is known. We desperately try to overcome the…
חיינו אפופים בסוד. הלא ידוע מקיף את חיינו במצור. ובתוך זה הלא הוא רק אחוז ממה שידוע. אנו מנסים להתגבר נואשות על הלא ידועים את גבולות הידוע אבל בסוף דברי…
A photo analysis. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/23/Leonardo_da_Vinci_-_Last_Supper_%28copy%29_-_WGA12732.jpg First of all, they are seated at the same side of the table, they are one group; on the same side. AA They are seating to a…
Part one: The demons in the shadow I would like to begin with a story of Franz Kafka: metamorphosis in which Gregor Samsa, wakes up one morning to find himself inexplicably transformed…
A feeling of sudden illumination is not frequent at all. A few people can experience illumination gradually, with the help of an awakened teacher, who transfers his or her own…
The world of knowledge and information is fascinating when examined.Let’s begin with children; between the ages of few months up to the age of six – they exist in children’s…
There are people who are in love with the spiritual worlds, but as a stimulation not as a goal that demands much investment of hard work over a long period…