Human consciousness was supposed to mediate between the higher and the lower Universe. Human species was exported from a higher place in the cosmos, in order to populate a low…
There is a direct connection between the power of taking something in a personal way and the extent of its destruction.When a person is under its influence – the dearest…
The reason for taking things personally is because most of the time the act of taking things personally – wisps out all awareness of it. This is because we are…
Axiom: the greater is the light, the greater is the shadow. But we don’t treat the shadow as a byproduct of the light. We judge ourselves for having a…
Part one: Energy We generally refer to outstanding people in terms of inborn talent, but is it possible to take what we are born with and upgrade it to…
(In an interpersonal communication and in inner work) On personal boundaries: A person that has got a meaning and value for his life, needs to have boundaries. But only…
One of the great problems of highly developed consciousness people, is in communication; there they might be conceived in the opposite way to what they are. When they are two…
We admit on being in moods, in shifting responses and reactions. It could range from one extreme to another, and what is interesting is that we see ourselves to be…
Forces are responsible for the process of growth of a baby. Different forces are responsible for him getting old. But there are more aggressive forces, when they trace a weak…