To be born twice

“It is not more surprising to be born twice than once; everything in nature is resurrection.”― VoltaireIt’s not any more unusual to be born twice than it is to be…
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Does Karma Exist?

Is there something like karma?Well, first of all, let’s see what is karma. Well, in the Indian religion it is understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause…
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In the Work we are told to observe identification as it is one of the most powerfulforces keeping us asleep and prevents us from awakening. Because we do everything mechanically…
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Overcoming personal involvement.

P.I. (personal involvement) could not be overestimated for its importance, and here it will be approached from the standpoint of authenticity. In other words: what is the connection between the…
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The floor and the ceiling 

In people who are on the path of self-development, or spiritual quest, or search after truth  – there are two parts; there is the part which is giving them trouble,…
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Emotional/personal Involvement as a Habit

Part 1. Personal involvement Emotional involvement, (or personal involvement) means that there is a psychological situation in which the person becomes involved entirely with personal problems. This emotional involvement (E.I.) mainly begins…
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