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עיוותים בהעברת המסר
Gabriel Share Tweet זה ברור שאם היינו חיים בהרמוניה עם עצמנו ועם הטבע, היינו צריכים להיות מסוגלים לתקשר באופן חפשי, בתנועה יצירתית שבה אף אחד לא מגן או נאחז באופן…
power struggles
,Power struggles, their power is in being hiddenMost of the time it doesn’t turn out to be a power struggle at all. Another example of the tactic of the one…
Man, nature and the conformist curse.
Part a. I would like to open in nature Nature is more a land of strife than nature. With the exception of St. Hari and his students, all of their…
בשם הרבי מקוצק אמרו
:אם אני – אני, מפני שאני – אני, ואתה – אתה, מפני שאתה הוא אתה, אז אני – אני ואתה – אתה.אבל אם אני הוא אני מפני שאתה – אתה,…
The games of Human beings
Games develop your imagination, they encourage creativity, socially they are unifying, they are essential simulation towards the experience of reality, and from this aspect, games are very positive. But a…
The difficulty of communication between levels
One of the great problems of highly developed conscious people is in communication; there they might be conceived in the opposite way to what they are.When they are two friends,…
On the territorial aspect in power struggles
Part one: territorial signals:People live, communicate, having relationships. And under the surface there is a war, a struggle. And the war is a territorial war. Almost every person wants to…
Ignoring as a tool in personal crises
a person stumbles across his psychological system in various elements which threaten to throw him into depression and destroy his self-view, such as: self-doubt, insult, guilt feelings,Negative thoughts, being defeated…
Don´t be the party destroyer, in a group.
We are taught not to express objection, not to be the party destroyer.You need to swallow and to hide your objection. Society doesn´t stand people who act as party destroyer.The…
Conversation between silence and dialogue – From the book: “The art of conversation” – in Hebrew
“To be” is to be related”.Krishnamurti “A dialogue is a dance with the unknown.”David Bohm Part one: talk, conversation and dialog.All human being talk, but are they conversing?Talk is not…