He who is filled with Virtue is like a newborn child.Wasps and serpents will not sting him;Wild beasts will not pounce upon him;He will not be attacked by birds of…
Gabriel Raam (First translated 51 pages from Hebrew) A quote:“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes … the ones…
What is firmly established cannot be uprooted.What is firmly grasped cannot slip away.It will be honoured from generation to generation. Cultivate Virtue in yourself,And Virtue will be real.Cultivate it in…
Ruling the country is like cooking a small fish.Approach the universe with Tao,And evil will have no power.Not that evil is not powerful,But its power will not be used to…
Practice non-action.Work without doing.Taste the tasteless.Magnify the small, increase the few.Reward the bitterness with care. See simplicity in the complicated.Achieve greatness in little things. In the universe the difficult things…
Rule a nation with justice.Wage war with surprise moves.Become master of the universe without striving.How do I know that this is so?Because of this! The more laws and restrictions there…
In caring for others and serving heaven,There is nothing like using restraint.Restraint depends on giving up one’s own ideas.This depends on Virtue gathered in the past.If there is a good…
Tao is the source of the ten thousand things.It is the treasure of the good man, and the refuge of the bad.Sweet words can buy honor;Good deeds can gain respect.If…
(Most terms are taken from Heidegger’s book “Being and Time” (1927)About the person:Man is a being whose existence means the inquiry of himself and his connection with being. Investigation is…