We became so depended upon the discoveries and advancement of science, that we follow it quiet blindly. And first and foremost for that is the science of medicine. Its controls…
Camus head: A mischievous look on Camus face, in fact it is multi-expression, all his face is taking place in the act of the smile (especially the lovely dimples), when…
One of the greatest confusions that could be done in a life dedicated to a religious or spiritual way – is to mistake good for high.When high is not reachable…
In every generation comes to the world only a few souls with the potential of breaking the glass ceiling of the existing level of consciousness. The existing level is fit…
1. Eyes The amount of eye contact making considerable eye contact not much eye contact (friendship, involvement – reserved, convergence) Where is the look directed? …
Part one: When we view a group of growing chimpanzees or other groups of growing animals, such as elephants – we find there: support, love and mutual care. The love…
A definition: Espionage or spying is the act of obtaining secret or confidential information without the permission of the holder of the information. … Any individual or spy ring (a…
It is possible to love animals in general and dogs in particular, without being developed spirituality, but the opposite is not possible; being developed spiritually and not having special kind…