Female eroticism

Eroticism is a different word for healthy sexual charge.Eroticism could be a sexual electricity in the air.The power/strength of eroticism is rising the more it is subtle and the less…
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To be born twice

“It is not more surprising to be born twice than once; everything in nature is resurrection.”― VoltaireIt’s not any more unusual to be born twice than it is to be…
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On the Scapegoat theory

Part one: In every house and city there is a sewage system, in the human body there is a similar drainage system, it is operating through the skin and lower…
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Does Karma Exist?

Is there something like karma?Well, first of all, let’s see what is karma. Well, in the Indian religion it is understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause…
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On emotional growing up

We all are grownups mentally and physically, but not emotionally. If the emotions did not grow up, then they meet a cold functional world and when someone is angry, hostile…
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