A picture of Simone de Beauvoir.It is almost n Androgenos picture of her. Her hair cut is very short, almost that of a man’s. Her jacket is manly, her makeup…
There is a phenomenon that happens amongst fresh couples, that just unite, and for a want of a better word I call it: to ‘click’. It happens usually to couples…
Humanity is a sad and vital issue, because it is in a process of disappearance, and life without it is not worth living.Its public-relations is poor & minimal, it could…
There are people who are in love with the spiritual worlds, but as a stimulation not as a goal that demands much investment of hard work over a long period…
Forces are responsible for the process of growth of a baby.Different forces are responsible for getting him old.But there are more aggressive forces, when they trace a weak organ, a…
If something powerful leaves you and there is no one in the receiving address, or the receiving address does not receive it -then this something makes all the way back…
The problem with philosophy at large is that it is too average, too mediocre, too simplified. It is easy for it to slide into any ear. It combines and integrates…
The returning movement of Tao, the Way, is cyclic. Tao brings everything forward, and then back to its origin, to be brought forward yet again. This is the view on…
נ ובכן, ליל הסדר שוב בפתח. ורובנו כבר יודעים היכן נהיה ועם מי. ובסופו של דבר, לאחר שכולם מגיעים ונכנסים -הם מתיישבים, ומכאן ואילך אנו מוצאים שלל של מסרים לא…
People think that if they live in nature, surrounded by running water, fresh air, birds, plenty of greenery. And on top of that they are eliminating from usage artificial-technical-electrical apparatus.…