“The heart that rushes to open into flowers is always the first to be pricked by thorns.” George Moore Our emotions are very important asset for us, for they are…
The approach to emotions in our culture and society is dualistic, and even it could be said that it is: quiet hypocritical; towards the outside we appear as though we…
All of us have emotions, but the truth and the problem are that more we having emotions – the emotions have us… What is the meaning? Well, the emotions could…
Part one, emotional management in two directions: All human beings has got a great difficulty to manage their emotions. This does not come just by living and growing up, if…
Part one, emotional demons and the inner disconnection: “People pray in order to get something, they even pray in order to reach to a more spiritual state. in fact, they…
Part one:An Axiom: everything which lives in nature (organic life) – is in some sort of a dynamic process, a process of change, and this change is divided into two:…
It is difficult to grasp; but emotions could be the parasite that comes instead of life, they are the greatest robber of the life of a person.As with all Parasites,…
Part one: Force-cloudsWe know of force-clouds from the world of computers, when one could house even the whole content of his computer on a force-cloud. But there are other force-clouds;…
A breakthrough could be a dangerous affair for a radical writer -that which he attacks must attack him back, as wrote Isaac Newton: What for him is a very longed…
To do mistakes is to be human, and to be human is to do mistakes.*Bach couldn’t have possibly composed his music, no human can, and specifically not Bach’s music. A…