We lived in secret.
We lived in secret. The unknown surrounds our lives in a siege. And within that, isn’t it only a percentage of what is known. We desperately try to overcome the…
חיינו אפופים בסוד. הלא ידוע מקיף את חיינו במצור. ובתוך זה הלא הוא רק אחוז ממה שידוע. אנו מנסים להתגבר נואשות על הלא ידועים את גבולות הידוע אבל בסוף דברי…
The art of finishing
(From the book: The Mysterious Life of Reality) And you can also know how to say goodbye… Gather together everything that will be left behind, everything that is scattered, thrown…
A photo analysis of the last supper – by Leonardo De Vinci
A photo analysis. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/23/Leonardo_da_Vinci_-_Last_Supper_%28copy%29_-_WGA12732.jpg First of all, they are seated at the same side of the table, they are one group; on the same side. AA They are seating to a…
The mystery of human existence
The mystery of human existence is undeciphered. Each generation attacks the mystery full of enthusiasm and inspiration as if it were a first attempt, as if there were not…
To give the emotion – a shape
Inside each one of us there are feelings and emotions; once in a while we try to talk about them, to speak them out, to write them down – to…
11 essays on the hard fate of the gentle and the sensitive in a society such as ours
http://cwe.hagut.net//the-life-of-the-highly-sensitive-person/ http://cwe.hagut.net//the-sensitive-film-of-the-highly-sensitive-person/ http://cwe.hagut.net//on-the-hard-fate-of-the-gentle-in-mind-part-1/ http://cwe.hagut.net//on-the-hard-fate-of-the-gentle-in-the-mind-part-2/ http://cwe.hagut.net//treating-soul-injuries-2/ http://cwe.hagut.net//about-special-men-and-especially-about-special-women/ http://cwe.hagut.net//on-how-special-people-are-being-treated-2/ http://cwe.hagut.net//about-special-people/ http://cwe.hagut.net//on-the-scapegoat-theory/ http://cwe.hagut.net//the-children-of-the-soul/ http://cwe.hagut.net//sad-lisa-and-friends/