Gabriel Share Tweet What is firmly established cannot be uprooted.What is firmly grasped cannot slip away.It will be honoured from generation to generation. Cultivate Virtue in yourself,And Virtue will be…
From the book of proverb. Well, the gullible in the book of proverb. Is not just a stupid person, here he is presented as a person who is easy to be tempted… ao Te Ching – Lao Tzu – chapter 55 He who is filled with Virtue is like a newborn child.Wasps and serpents will not sting him;Wild beasts will… ao Te Ching – Lao Tzu – chapter 55 He who is filled with Virtue is like a newborn child.Wasps and serpents will not sting him;Wild beasts will… ao Te Ching – Lao Tzu – chapter 55 He who is filled with Virtue is like a newborn child.Wasps and serpents will not sting him;Wild beasts will…