

Who is allowed to deport whom?
Only the strong side is allowed to expel the weak.
In the eyes of the ruler, the very control is the main thing.
And the only sin of the other person in his eyes is to remain weak.
Relationships often break down because of one party’s excess of control.
And the one who pays the price for the disconnection is the party in the relationship who is portrayed as weaker.
A friendship or family closeness that is based on the control of one side is a false closeness because if the controlled side revolts – the ruler immediately throws him down all the stairs.
Yes, in the end in many cases power and control are the determining factor when it comes to the question of whether the relationship will survive or fall apart.
Your friends and relatives will not forgive you if you allow yourself to show weakness.
In general, we don’t like weak friends or relatives.

Addendum: People may forgive you for all kinds of things but for one thing they will not forgive you, in the current cultural climate you are allowed to be anything just don’t be weak.

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