Inside each one of us feelings and emotions exist; once in a while we try to talk aboutthem, to speak them out, to write them down – to put them into words.It’s usually a struggle, it hard, it’s like trying to put water in a straw basket: we will end upwith a wet basket but without any water in it… nd such is the emotion, slippery, with its li!uid character, and it’s not easy to put wordsaround it to catch it, words that can transfer the emotion itself, or at least, the connectionto the emotion. “ords that if they are written or spoken, can- e#ery time we will listen toit, rise up the surface the original emotion.$any people recoil put emotions into words, they are afraid this slippery li!uid will lose itsgrip from the clumsy word. %ome afraid it will be a rape to put emotions into words, theysay &you can’t talk about this, you ha#e to feel it&, or, &I ha#e no words for it&.ut I rather write the positi#e side of put emotions into words, part of the mostenlightened great creations of human beings are the real meaning of it : trying to capturethe human emotion essence and put it into words. If it’s in literature, poetry or theaterplays.I would like to defend and explain this idea of describing emotion with words. ut first,some fragrances to absorb and think about::
to put something into words( to gi#e it a shape
to gi#e something a shape ( to gi#e it life
“hen we die, we lose our shape.)hus bring the thought: does the shapeless emotion is not ali#e* pparently no. if thesoul can li#e without a body, than it’s a #irtual existence. “ithout the shape the soul hasno reali+ation, presence or the ability to communicate and respond the surrounding. ndas the body less soul so is the wordless emotion, it is ali#e, but as a ghost, in the grayarea between the li#ing and the dead. motions which are not captured by thought,wondering here and there or blended( sa#age. r to put it in other words: they are likethe crouch grass corrupting the human creati#e and intelligence, stopping us fromrenaissance.)o understand something is to gi#e it shape, to li#e is the ability to create, and that youcan do only if you ha#e shape. $eaning, well crafted lines bordering your being, definingit, characteri+ing it.)he shape allows something to be and at the same time pre#enting it from getting wildand spread all around.)hat’s the great paradox of life, we are limited by our shape, but that’s what allow us toexist. “ithout the shape and counter we ha#e no indi#idual existence, autonomic anddelineated from the out side. )he defined autonomy allows us reali+ation. nd not onlyreali+ation, but functioning, creation and communication as well. nly when something isclear and well defined being, it can communicate with others clear and well definedbeings. )o communicate is to take amorphous idea from the mindemotion into words or /esters. nd this is the case in communication and creation, if we can take thisamorphous idea into wordsshape, than we can create. 0reating is to gi#e something ashape.)hat’s about the communication and art area. t the religion and spiritual area there is anattempt to refine, reduce and sometime eliminate the shape in order to increase the
connection to the spiritual religion essence in the human. %ometimes, in some religionsand spiritual altitudes there is miss consumption regarding life. )o reach higher le#els ofspiritually you don’t ha#e to shake of from the shape and try to connect the spirit in itsabstract le#el. )he body is not an enemy to the soul but its complementary, its hisexpression, the body is a way to reach the spiritual. %piritualism which does notunderstand and support the body as the stairs and path to the spiritual and the exalted ofthe human – leads to a dead end.%o the body is not antitheses to the to the raw spiritual and soul essence, on one handit’s his only expression &tool&, on the other it’s the only path to communicate with the spiritand soul.It’s easy for the young and non-unified person to see the shape as an enemy to the spirit,but context without shape and borders get lost and shape without context is nothing butcoffin.)he essence of birth is to dress a well defined shape around a soul and spirit.)he words describe the emotions, from that point the emotions begins to li#e. $eaning,from the moment we describe and express our emotions, the emotion can create, can dosomething. motion we are not aware of or aware of but do not understand it, it’s like aghost inside of us, weaken us from the inside.ut words can sometimes /ail emotions 1life and death by the thong2)hat happen when words are not tuned to the essence of the emotion, its innerdynamics, instead they come from external ideas, labeling it according a generalcollecti#e thought. )his act does not birth the emotion, but put into a coffin before it wasborn.)hat’s sometimes what happens in a psychological treatment or an adult rationalintellectual discussion about someone beha#ior and emotional state: words put emotionin an intellectual /ail instead of trying wea#ing the appropriate skin and shape which fitsthe dynamics and essence of the human and its emotion.%o words can /ail and destroy the li#ing essence of emotions, and they can gi#e birth to itthru a body and shape that transfer the essence of this emotion. nd than 1and only than2emotion is being born, and than 1and only than2 it has life. )hat’s the meaning of rchimedes /ump out of his bath3, that’s the great /oy e#ery time we really understoodsomething. /oy of creation, of new life. )he great spiritual ele#ation we ha#e by theunderstanding we ga#e life, the understanding we created and ga#e birth to something. nd so, e#ery time emotion and consciousness meets, life is born in the human. 4isconsciousness expends, and he himself grows and de#elops as a human. )hat’s theessence of life and the idea of rebirth: your consciousness and soul meet each other, andrebirth occurs.5abriel raam.ABOUT AUTHOR