About special men, and (especially) about special women



Some people are born with what I call as: excessive soul. Or “free soul”, or: extra soul. It could also be called: a spark, In Kabala it is called: Neshama. Through the Neshama, we realize our higher intellect and attain the awareness of higher levels. 

Every once in a while a special, unique, human being with a spark is being born.

What is typical about a special human being?

Answer: Different, unique, highly sensitive, critical of the average life of the majority, haunted by his/her search for truth, have his own mind, high  potential, talented, or having spiritual potential – s/he is far from being average, actually, he is above being average.

But there is a great difference between what kind of special man are being born and between special women by birth.

Special men tend towards sensitivity and being gentle minded.

Special women tend towards 2 different kind of being special; one is being powerful and the other is a different kind of intelligence.


Part one: Special Men and their authentic nature.
The special high spark man are very different from the general average conditioned man. They are gentle, caring, are highly sensitive, compassionate. They are moved deeply by search for truth and meaning. They have a mind of their own; they think for themselves.  And are also rebellious against injustice, humiliation and cruelty. But mostly, those special man are full of support and humanity towards their human brothers; full of human warmth towards the sufferings and misfortune of other human beings.

Part two: Special Women and power:

Now, what about born special unique woman who are carrying a high spark?
How should they be if they are true to themselves and to their high calling? 

An average, non-special woman was considered as a loser.

But special, spark carriers women are powerful, but the power of the unique, spark carrier and highly sensitive woman i am referring to – is a different kind of power than what we are used to, i will call it ‘a blue warrior’. Or the dolphin approach. Here are few words about the way of confrontation of dolphins: The main advantage dolphins have against shark attacks is safety in numbers; they stick together in pods and defend one another from a shark’s attack by chasing and ramming it. Dolphins are able to protect vulnerable members of their pods and extended families such as young dolphins and injured or sick dolphins. Dolphins use their strong snouts as a powerful weapon to ram sharks, targeting their soft underbellies and gills to cause injuries. 

Flipper The Dolphin on Twitter: "#TwoThingsThatNeverMix dolphins and a cold  lake Lansing"

 So what is special about the dolphin approach of the blue warrior woman? 

The being (dolphin) warrior is driven by a code of respect and principles and not by emotions. 

She is not emotionally swept, she is not controlled by aggressive emotions and therefore also does not lose control and does not erupt – which allows her to maintain composure and restraint and not to reveal weaknesses. 

Blue Warrior

Specially born women are powerful in the dolphin way, but not by being swept into a confrontation, or dragged into it because of emotional provocations or humiliation. And when she is already confronted, she does so because of violation of her honor – being such unique and special woman.

She has the ability to absorb humiliation and insult without reacting to it, since she is driven not by impulsive emotions, but by self-respect issued from her being. Also, her special spark allows her to respond on her own terms.

The guiding criterion for her is to confront only when there is no other way. 

One book who was attempted to discover such deep essential nature of this outstanding, rare woman – it was written by: Clarissa Pinkola Estés, called: “Women Who Run with the Wolves”: She addressed it to all women, but in my view it only fits for the few women who are born special and with a high spark. In her book she likens the deep nature of a woman (it should be a special woman) to that of a wild wolf:

“She claims that within every woman there lives a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing. She is the Wild Woman, who represents the instinctual nature of women. But she is an endangered species. For though the gifts of wildish nature belong to us at birth, society’s attempt to “civilize” us into rigid roles has muffled the deep, life-giving messages of our own souls”. 

Part three: Special women and intelligence.

The other quality that every special woman has is being highly intelligent.  She will not get conditioned to act stupid (as it is expected mostly). And a special unique woman (who is authentic to who she really is) – is having a different kind of high intelligence; Non-conformist, going against conventional way of thinking, she breaks walls of a singular dimensional perception and is able to discover a hidden unknown truth.

The kind of intelligence of a special woman is that she has the ability to think for herself. 

The intelligence of the special women is like ‘Sherlock Holmes’ approach to what is ahead of him; This special kind of intelligent woman must have a detective streak in her; examining with searching eyes,  questioning mind, thirst for understanding, hunger for truth, and sensitivity for subtext. If she is not special she usually become conditioned by masculine norms.

But the main problem in this is for each special, high spark man or high spark woman, is to find the right match.
Because if you are a woman born with high spark, you could only have life with a high spark man.
He is looking for power and intelligence in his woman, and she is looking for the gentle, full of compassion and humanity all over – type of a man.
The chances for such a match between two such special & unique human beings are rare. 

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