We take almost everything for granted; our breathing, walking and above all – being alive. If we could not breathe for two minutes, and then regain our breathing back –…
From every commercial and in almost in every friendly conversation – we see and hear that you can become anything and whoever you want to. So, for us life is…
One of the works of thought that tried to touch and examine the way we look at reality, was Plato’s work: “the allegory of the cave” from his “Polita”. In this passage…
Many readers love and admire Friedrich Nietzsche, Abler Camus, Soren Kiregergard and J. D. Salinger – it is difficult to love and admire them without being an outsider and/or a…
Alienation. There isn’t a more horrible word in the human dictionary. It is a pure invention of human culture. * Love is the most powerful natural force in the world.…
One of the main differences between religions and spirituality – is that established religions (especially Christianity and Islam) – killed many people in the name of their religions, while spirituality…
A photo analysis. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/23/Leonardo_da_Vinci_-_Last_Supper_%28copy%29_-_WGA12732.jpg First of all, they are seated at the same side of the table, they are one group; on the same side. AA They are seating to…
Opening chord: All are looking happy and shining, and very much together. Mikel and Lori are positioned in the center of this group. Which might mean that either they are…
WHY ARE THESE PEOPLE SMILING? : Photo analysis is the study of body language as captured on film. Therapists review family photographs to understand the relationship between individuals over the…
John Suler’s Photographic Psychology: Image and Psyche NAVIGATE THIS BOOK Photocatalysis A photograph can’t capture people’s voices, so it fails to convey what people say about themselves. However, what people say…