To take life for granted


There are words we are using, which are not as simple as they might seem, for example three fraises: Shure, of course, obvious. They are problematic, not in themselves, but in what they might insinuate.
Do the three mean to say that what was said is so distinct and already known, that there was no need to say it?
Why do we use this fraises? What is the secondary gain we get out of saying them?
Well, let’s look at one word: of course. What does it say? It says something like: “ok, there is no need to go out dancing, it is known and old, and if there is a room for admiration, we already have admired”. The fraise: ‘of course’ is saving us the uniqueness and specialness that we are supposed to express towards that which is worthy for appreciation.
Saying those three phrases contain within them a knowing about an admiration that is out of date. Maybe once they were fresh and vibrant but today they are old.
But what is the reason for being stingy about saying that something is wonderful, or incredible, or unique or worthy for compliments?
Well, there 4 reasons:
To want to be more than the other (to be overpowering).
A want to continue and live in a low consciousness level (comfortability).
A wish to continue sleeping (to continue being mechanical).
A wish and a want not to be lost and confused (to be knowledgably and logical about life).

Part one: To want to be more than the other.
Sometimes we meet special or important people or events, towards which we are supposed to express a special appreciating attitude. Here we would have a strong tendency to decrease the threshold of our appreciation, and not to give credit to whom it is deserved to be given, the reason is in a hidden power struggle; the fear that the moment a person gives the credit to someone who deserves it, this might lower his status, and upgrades the status of the other.
The moment a person says to another: ‘you are great’ or: ‘thank you very much indeed’ – it is as though he is making himself smaller… it is the fear that the other might think that this appreciating words are said out of weakness. Trying that the other will be nice to him, and this is because he does not have the power to demand it.

Part two: A want to continue and live in a low consciousness level.
We are hesitant about giving credit, not only to people but also to life itself…
‘Of course we enjoy coming home after work’.
‘Of course we are grateful for having a place of work’.
‘It is obvious that we are thrilled from having healthy children’.
And it is so clear that we are full of gratitude each time we come out of driving – unhurt.
When we say: ‘it is obvious, we flatten the high and low points of life, all is becoming to be the same and nothing is more than the other. And if nothing is more important than something else then nothing is important. And if nothing is important then there is nothing to be grateful about.
‘It is obvious’ says that all is known, and if this is so there is no need to be accountable or take responsibility.
The more there are moments of: ‘it is obvious’ and ‘of course’ – the more a person is missing his life. From the other hand, the more there would be moments when things are not taken for granted – so the feeling of life, its vitality and uniqueness would intensify with all of its power.
To live is to be able to receive and digest the full meaning of what happens now. To live is not physical, because our body’s organs function even when we are unconscious, to live is a state of consciousness.
In the same way that: to listen, to know and to see – are not physical acts, but an activity of the consciousness system. To live is to live in consciousness. When you live consciously you know it, and then you are alive.
And then you take nothing for granted, and then you happen to life and life happens to you. Life as a happening and the person is in a state of be.
But usually human beings are in the opposite direction; lowering the threshold of awareness about the base level of life. Lowering tension, lowering effort. And doing that means that we are unwilling to admit that this is the unconscious department, and in order to reach real high life – we need to work hard in order to get there.
And from life back to human beings; when saying to someone: ‘of course’, or ‘it is obvious’ we are dwarfing him to fit our small life.
And we could dwarf almost anything we meet, (by taking it for granted), it is a kind of an epidemic, it could make us take for granted even the air we breathe, but if a person cannot breath for 2 minutes – he will be filled with an incredible feeling of how much our breathing is a kind of miracle.
To live for real is not to be divorced from the feeling of wonder.
The more we would say: ‘of course’ or: ‘for Shure’ – the more our life becomes flat, and then we look for external stimuli that will excite us again, for a while.
In fact, all we need in order to say WOW is already with us; life itself. We should be so powerfully charged with the forces of life, that this by itself would be enough for us.
Part three: A wish to continue sleeping.
Living in search for stimuli is to live in sleep, and when we find them they will give us the feeling of being fully alive. Whereas, refusing to say: ‘for Shure’ is to wake up to the powerful reality of what really exists, as though we have never seen it.
Not to take something for granted, not to be familiar, is to see it for the first time. Everyone remembers the first time they saw the sea, it was a big WOW, but all the other times since then we see the etiquette of a sea. And the same with people we meet.
We are becoming asleep to the live, vibrant essence of things.
We are in a world that swamps us with exciting objects; in the newspaper and television all the time there are exciting news, new discoveries. We meet people and ask: “what is new”? But from the multitude of news and new things, we are becoming deaf and blind to their being, and we don’t meet anything actually.
Real life should not be conditioned by the strength and frequency of stimulations. Sometimes we could arrive at this state of being alive by L.S.D. trip or meditation, but at a certain level it is possible to live like that without mediators. This is a quantum state, a quantum state talks about diving into the smallest particle and find in it the whole world, it is possible to live like that.
When living in a quantum world we are looking for the multiple, the quantity and the intensity of the stimuli, and this in order to cover-up on the emptiness in the quantum dimensions, this are the dimensions of the soul, the soul lives in a quantum world, and the awakening of consciousness is diving into the small worlds of the soul.
The greatness of living real life is in taking the most trivial thing and finding the world in it.
The whole idea of being alive is to be on fire just by being alive, if this is not the case then we would need stronger and stronger stimulations. We live all the time in taking being alive for granted and then we say to ourselves: “ok, I am alive what now”?
The fact that we are alive is a miracle, it is an electric shock straight to the consciousness, but most of the time we are asleep, living in sleep.
From time to time we wake up for a while, from example just when someone returns from war or comes out of prison, or recovering suddenly from a terminal cancer – and then it hits him: life with all its power. But soon routine takes over and he falls asleep again.
Part four: A wish and a want not to be lost and confused.
We take life for granted because it decreases the element of struggle.
We are familiar with our life because we pushed its antithesis; confusion, absurd, anxiety and embracement, out of our boundary of our comfortable life. People wish to avoid getting lost in life, by the Shure answers and findings of science.
We want to be clear before and instead of this undesirable states.
But real understanding grows out from getting lost. We are afraid to get lost in the unknown. We want all to be known before we meet the unknown. And we say that it is clear, when it is not clear at all. We want the solution to be there before we are surrendering to the unknown. But we should wish to arrive at the unknown because there are the reasons for what appears in the known. But for that to happen we first of all need to go through (what we want to avoid) confusion, absurd, anxiety and embracement.
We want the orgasm instead of the foreplay, and the mussels instead of working in the gym.
‘Yes, it is clear’ – we say, but in real life nothing is clear, everything id foggy and complicated, more like in a detective puzzle.
The moment we say, or feel, that life is clear for us, we take all the mystery and complexity of creation and compressing it into our dwarfed and narrow perception. It is called: ‘to put God in a test tube’.
And the same with this essay: we think that all which was written so far is clear, but it isn’t clear as it could and should be.
So, again; when a person says that something is clear or obvious – he is folding and compressing what he doesn’t understand into what he understands, and then all seem clear.
But the opposite could be done: to take what we know and let it get lost in what he doesn’t know, and he lives in a world where really nothing is taken for granted, and then the truth about human existence could see the light of day.
What a person doent know will always be greater then what he knows. But it is frightening to live this way, so we shrink what we don’t know to be lesser then the size of what we know, and then all is clear and we not afraid anymore.
To live is to see the world through what we don’t know.
One must get lost in life, and to live them out of lose, this is our true situation in life. Nothing is known, and if a person succeeds in doing that then he is alive.
It is difficult to grasp it in our rational and logical mind. Logic explains all but is completely wrong in relation to real life.
If we give up the temptation of logic and choose instead the turmoil of being lost and confused – our life will surface out as from a deep lack.

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