Sayings, quotes and fragment – part 8 – by Gabriel Raam


Many readers love and admire Friedrich Nietzsche, Abler Camus, Soren Kiregergard and J. D. Salinger – it is difficult to love and admire them without being an outsider and/or a rebel. But most people just carry on somehow with their lives…


The highest level for a spiritual being is a prophet, but  his life and destiny  – is often as though it is are under a curse.


If you want to reach the light side you have to go through the dark side first.


Reading about life of people from 4000 years ago and up to our days – it is clear that they were stuck and lost as we are. Every generation is convinced of its advancement, especially since the industrial revolution and the taking over of Academia. But on a general scale; in between each other, and in our life – we are lost and stuck as ever. If there is some way out, it is hidden, in small, has to be searched for, and not in the high street or in the popular places.  It never makes much noise, you have to have the ear. 


Depression is not an illness, it is a collapse of the emotional  system, or not being able to hold the weight of life & living. Herniated disc is a depression of the back.  


The magic of love is that if someone loves you, you feel the whole world loves you.

But if someone doesn’t love you it feels that the whole world does not love you. 


A man that doesn’t respect a woman and treats her in a way much less than she deserves – is much less than a man.


At the present level of consciousness the ability for creating a dialogue is not really possible, it is only possible from a certain level of consciousness and on. 


Psychological problems are at base the whiplash of conformity against those who could not fit, mainly by having in them something special.


Hope and optimism are delayed checks which have hardly any financial stock to back it up when the time comes.


People know instinctively how to be children, but they don’t know how to be old. 


An Investor always awaits a return for his investment. As far as the investment of love is concerned, then in the love for one’s children –there is hardly a return to the parents , it mostly goes on to the next generation. 


What is it like being madly in love with someone without any love in return?

This question must remain rhetoric, for this situation is too shattering and devastating for the one who loves.


People hate any form of self-consciousness because it breaks down old repressions and thus puts them in a head-long clash with themselves. 

So if you give someone self-consciousness he will never forgive you.


In great religions the believers pray to God: an abstract non-existent being: talking, pleading and telling their innermost difficulties, in vain, for it is a monolog. While around them there are real living human beings, with whom a communication is possible, and in it a real dialogue could develop, and this dialogue has space in it for all prayers to come to be. 


Sensitivity is a double edge sword (a double-edged sword is a sword that has two sharpened edges), in one end you are sensitive to the beautiful, the sublime, the special, to the hidden meaning, and to the rare truth. But the other end of the sword is as sensitive to bullying of the weak, to injustice, to humiliation, to victimizing, out casting the different, to alienation, condensation, dominance and to power-struggle. 


The Beatles are like a cup of coffee; John is the coffee grains or capsule, the essence of the drink. Paul is the sugar, he brings in the sweetness. George Harrison is the milk that brings richness and delicacy into the drink. And Ringo simply adds more quantity , therefore he is the water. 


When bachelor men and women are looking for a partner to fall in love with – they believe that they need to meet the most fitting and most qualified (in various aspects) person to love. But the truth is different, we don’t need the maximum qualities and appearance in the candidate in order to fall in love with, in fact what we need is the minimum external and internal qualities. Our ability to fall in love is much more flexible and less under strict and definite needs and demands – than what we think. We are lonely, and therefore – falling in love is such a deep longing, that we don’t need the best of the best for us, all we need is that he or she will answer minimum requirements.

But, but, this is true for the general public, what could be called: ordinary people, but when it comes to special, sensitive, outstanding or an outsiders – they must find someone with a different frequency, as similar as possible to their own frequency, and this is not easy, to day the least.


When reading ancient Greek and Roman philosophers – it is sad to realize that as far as the human situation  – nothing has changed, the same problems, the same confusion, and the same level of consciousness. 


People read and worship old religious texts, like the Koran, The bible, but truth has to be born fresh, each time, to be discovered out of living a life. Truth has to be discovered from life and living like nothing was written about it before. 


The human being is an irrational being, reacts automatically and mechanically, who is convinced that what he is missing is more facts and more rationality, but if he would get it, its only effect would be to act as a fig leaf and a cover his automatic, mechanical life.

Death is the most expected event in our life, yet when it happens around us, it always puts us in a shock. 


The more unique and special you are the longer it will take you to find the field in which you will find yourself. 


If you did not live your life in order to create or grow out of you something which is worth living for, something greater than you, something that gives your life a purpose and a meaning which is greater than you– then when you reach 70 you have nothing to live for except to continue to exist.


In order to fit into an organization or a system – you must be average, (not excellent, but average) otherwise you don’t fit. 


Pollution is only searching for the cleanest places, from there it gets the ‘invitatio’. 


As the Skeleton holds the body from collapsing – so does love to one’s life. 


The lowest level that philosophy could deteriorate into is constructing menus for having a good life. 


When you are one unit of a loving couple – what happens is that real channels with heavy traffic of love are being built between you both which unite both hearts almost into one unit. So when one breaks out of the loving bond – the one which is left alone has got almost literary a broken heart. 

It is easy to fall in love when you are like the rest (‘’little boxes”), but when you are unique or special it is a heavy task, takes time and not simple at all.



Women want passion and sex more than man, but man give them sex of a conqueror, and it is far away from what women crave for and need.

For men sex is a kind of war, foe women it is the ultimate release, playfulness. Women surrender to men’s conditions of war atmospheres, and so could not experience passion, top desire, and mutual joyful freedom- by synchronized –sexual activity.

The sexual situation in bed is that of war, which is good for men and very bad for women. And men are not playing the game of freedom & passion with the female partner, it is under their conditions which is only war condition.


One of the most serious illnesses of our life is  a lack of compassion to any living creature with which we have or had some sort of interaction, except our own children. (Even the short interaction between a doctor and a suffering patient – is so lacking in any sort of compassion…).  


We understand nothing; Beethoven is a genius, but all explanations as to what make his music to be what it is – are a post mortem to an unsolved mystery.


The difference between being just nice to each other and being  on the same frequency and dynamic  – is like the difference between a deodorant and a soap & shower. 

Selfishness is practiced by children towards their parents, and  this has no effect at all on the undiminished and total love of their parents towards them. 


If you are and highly sensitive person, or and outstanding and different in your inner qualities- you will be abandoned and stigmatized, become an outsider – but if you are a spiritual master who is an outsider & a rebel – his abandonment, the antagonism and the total blockage towards you and your writings and teachings – will be much more extreme.


Death is an undeniable fact, we ignore it and live as though it is not going to happen, and when it is approaching we are in a shock. But living despite full knowledge about its happening inevitability – is the only way to live without illusions: being a desperate warrior. Fighting not because, but despite. 


Life itself, from an existential point of view, is absurd, full of angst (anxiety), and we are being thrown towards death (usually followed by physical or cognitive degeneration). The average person represses it, while the highly sensitive and special cannot do it, and so he suffers (for all) the truth of existence. 


We are grateful to God or whatever Universal forces that gave us life, the same forces that will kill us at some point.


The ‘insane’ suffered the inhumanity of the so-called: sane.


If you are touched by a high influence or entity – you must be depressed, because then you realize what kind of a world you are living in.


You should not approach tragic subjects or events with your emotions, only with your consciousness.


What is poison for the emotions might be food for evolved consciousness.


How true love is tested? You love Him/her – not because of what is attractive, beautiful and strong in them, but through what so weak and helpless in them.. 


How come so many of spiritual seekers who did not reach enlightenment (or a high level of consciousness) – became some sort of masters who teach or train people?


It is most difficult to be an apprentice of a 3 star chef, much more than being an apprentice of just any good chef. The same with a spiritual master who teaches spiritual seekers – it is much more difficult to learn from an awakened spiritual master than from  a non-awakened one. 


Why do popular spiritual teachers feel the need to give hope all the time? As though this is their job? Because in them they know that under the cover of the search for spiritual development- what their followers are really looking for is either heavenly happiness here and now, or the promise that with a minor adjustment and heaven  is on the way. 

Most people have sex on their mind most of the day. And when in mixed company they can think of nothing else…


Almost nothing is up to us, everything just happens. 


The name: sensitive person is really a stigma (“you are too sensitive’’ says the man to his insulted – girlfriend…), the correct name is: a victim.


Suffering is not divided equally; some take less, and some take more. Sensitivity is the measure; the sensitives and the unique take most of the suffering, while the ordinary and those who integrate easily in any system – suffer much less. 


More than two people is too many, less than two people is too less, two is just the right number for a transformational saving dialogue.


Most people, deep inside, don’t really want to spiritually develop, what they want is a solution to their psychological problems.

The more special you are – the longer it takes you to find where to apply your specialness.


You must remove the obstructions that block the flow in you, before you can go any higher. 


People deal with what is not good or correct in their life – by showering on themselves as much good as possible. But If you bring in nice furniture, would the dirt on the floor – go away?

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