Saying and fragments 10


Does being too good happens? All the time, the next stage is being misused or becoming a victim


Real self-acceptance means accepting yourself even when you don‘t accept yourself.

If you have been beautiful when you were young -When you get old, you lose your youth beauty. And you look as unattractive as the rest of the woman who were less beautiful in their youth.

Nothing can have any meaning when death is waiting.

Any form of creative writing is the only satisfying, gratifying, rewarding occupation for highly sensitive persons

When you take care of me physically or technically without compassion or empathy – you are torturing and tormentmnting my soul.
There is one sin that cannot be eradicated and that is the negation, or blocking, of the soul.

  • Fascism and bigotry are gaining strength all over the world now in 2022. Hate has always been more effective than adherence to values.
    And it is sad that the power of evil to do evil is greater than the power of good to do well.


Democracy is the tyranny of the majority with the lowest common denominator.

*The reason why people get so incredibly attached to thier dogs – everyone knows but is never put into words: it because of the unconditional love, compassion and attention they so are crying for but never get from human beings.

I am tired of people who declaring out loud how optimistic they are (contrary to evidence in real life).
I long for one authentic person that will have the courage to come out and say: i am pessimistic.


There is a triangle of man, land (territory) and spirit. And it is possible to inhabit only two thirds of the three.
Today and in the last decades the two thirds are territory and man. And Adam and Spirit was perhaps only during the Hasidic era
People with high sensitivity are special people, with unique point of view about life (critical). And high spirit, but the mediocre and conformist society does not suffer those who do not integrate in the system. Which gives them an emotional hurt with every turn of anti against them. And deep feelings of guilt, (through no fault of their own) and a very difficult life

An opinion, and especially any political opinion – is one of the main ways in which the collective controls the independent thinking of the individual

Society or a group that do not have empathy and compassion towards the weak, the sensitive and the helpless within them –are bound to crumble and fall apart exactly because of the absence of those empathy and compassion.

The great advantage of mediocrity is that it protects us from the attacks for deviation from conformity.

The one sin that could not and should not be forgiven is the denial of the soul.

Sex is in no way an alternative for love.
While sex is aggression based and the women as a sexual object, where the touch is hard and alienated, in love the touch is based upon caressing, hugging, and the mutual giving of warmth and compassion.
Women with low self-value and hardly no self-appreciation seek to
Be treated as an object. But
They deserve and should demand the mutual soft humanity of love, if they would only have a higher self-value.


To say on someone that he is sensitive (or too sensitive) and their lives is sad and unsuccessful – they are recommended to find a good psychologist .The truth is that they have high level potential, and a high spark – and when they live in in a mediocre and competitive society, where people like them have no place and are discriminated and rejected and therefore they carry on with in their life being hurt constantly and suffering severe guilt and shame.

Sex is responsible for many of the human corruptions, not so love,
(with whom there are many heartbreaks, but no corruption).


When they take care of me physically or technically without it being accompanied by compassion or empathy – they torture and torture my soul.
The reason why people get so incredibly attached to thier dogs – everyone knows but is never put into words: it because of the unconditional love, compassion and attention they so are crying for but never get from human beings.

I am tiered of people who declaring out loud how optimistic they are (contrary to evidence in real life).
I long for one authentic person that will have the courage to come out and say: i am pessimistic.

Many of the outsiders who, in their escape from the demanding, rigid and dominant social frameworks and norms, find themselves in much more repressive sects, religions and spiritual groups, to which they religiously obey.

Women want passion and sex more than the man, but the man gives them the sex of a conqueror, which is far from what women crave and need.
For men sex is a form of war, for women it is a game of ultimate liberation, a release of social prohibitions and a celebration of liberated sexuality and mutual freedom – through synchronized sexual activity.
But women submit to men’s conditions regarding the atmosphere of war, so they cannot fully experience their passion. This state of war in bed is good for men and very harmful for women. But men do not play the game of freedom and sensuality with the female partner, it is only on their terms where he is the conqueror and she is the conquered.
post Scriptum.
No woman will admit this in any way, because she knows that no man will give up power and control.
(So ​​they eliminate the frustration out of a deep sense of guilt).

To say on someone that he is sensitive (or too sensitive) and their lives is sad and unsuccessful – they are recommended to find a good psychologist .The truth is that they are special, have high level potential, carry a high spark – and when they live in a very confirming, mediocre and competitive society, where people like them have no place and are discriminated and rejected, and therefore they carry on with in their life, being hurt constantly and suffering severe guilt and shame.


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