The philosophical creature

“In philosophy, reason thinks of itself and makes itself a matter of investigation. Man as a philosopher supposedly expropriates himself from the life in which he is immersed as both…
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The subversive theory of R.D. Laing

R.D. Laing, a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, worked in a relentless rebellion against the psychiatry and psychotherapy establishment. A few words about his life: He was born in Glasgow and studied…
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3 Transcription of the podcast on: personal (psychological) problems.

An audio recording on the subject of personal, (psychological) problems: file:///C:/Users/gabrie%20raam/Desktop/%D7%94%D7%A7%D7%9C%D7%98%D7%95%D7%AA/Personaal%20and%20psychological%20problems%20-%20Copy%20-%20Copy%20-%20Copy%20(2).m4a Transcription: Many people are walking around (with their personal problems or psychological problems) – being totally convinced that if…
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To be a master

file:///C:/Users/gabrie%20raam/Desktop/%D7%AA%D7%A8%D7%92%D7%95%D7%9E%D7%99%D7%9D/articles%2014/To%20be%20mastrship.htm There is a difference between being a professional and being a master. As in teaching: One could be a very good teacher, very learned, with much knowledge and understanding,…
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